This is a list of elements defined in ODF-Spec together with allowed parent and child elements and allowed attributes.
Please note that "allowed" has the meaning of "may be allowed" as there might be a condition (like a special attribute value) for an element to have a special child element.
left displayed in bold blue letters describe a mandatory relationship. All other relationships are optional.
The asterisk (*) symbol marks child elements which can occur multiple times.
Here's a shortcut to the content toplevel element.
Parent Elements | anim:command |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | anim:name anim:value |
Parent Elements | chart:plot-area |
Child Elements | chart:categories chart:grid* chart:title |
Attributes | chart:dimension chart:name chart:style-name |
Parent Elements | chart:axis |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:cell-range-address[1] |
Parent Elements | office:chart |
Child Elements | chart:footer chart:legend chart:plot-area chart:subtitle chart:title table:table |
Attributes | chart:class[1] chart:column-mapping chart:row-mapping chart:style-name svg:height[0] svg:width[1] xlink:href xlink:type xml:id |
Parent Elements | chart:data-point chart:series |
Child Elements | text:p |
Attributes | chart:style-name svg:x[1] svg:y[0] |
Parent Elements | chart:series |
Child Elements | chart:data-label |
Attributes | chart:repeated chart:style-name xml:id |
Parent Elements | chart:series |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:cell-range-address[1] |
Parent Elements | chart:regression-curve |
Child Elements | text:p |
Attributes | chart:automatic-content chart:display-equation chart:display-r-square chart:style-name svg:x[1] svg:y[0] |
Parent Elements | chart:series |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | chart:dimension chart:style-name |
Parent Elements | chart:plot-area |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | chart:style-name svg:width[1] |
Parent Elements | chart:chart |
Child Elements | text:p |
Attributes | chart:style-name svg:x[1] svg:y[0] table:cell-range |
Parent Elements | chart:axis |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | chart:class[0] chart:style-name |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Child Elements | text:p |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | chart:chart |
Child Elements | text:p |
Attributes | chart:legend-align chart:legend-position[0] chart:legend-position[1] chart:style-name style:legend-expansion[0] style:legend-expansion[1] style:legend-expansion-aspect-ratio svg:x[1] svg:y[0] |
Parent Elements | chart:series |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | chart:style-name |
Parent Elements | chart:series |
Child Elements | chart:equation |
Attributes | chart:style-name |
Parent Elements | chart:plot-area |
Child Elements | chart:data-label chart:data-point* chart:domain* chart:error-indicator* chart:mean-value chart:regression-curve* |
Attributes | chart:attached-axis chart:class[1] chart:label-cell-address chart:style-name chart:values-cell-range-address xml:id |
Parent Elements | chart:plot-area |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | chart:style-name |
Parent Elements | chart:plot-area |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | chart:style-name |
Parent Elements | chart:plot-area |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | chart:style-name |
Parent Elements | chart:chart |
Child Elements | text:p |
Attributes | chart:style-name svg:x[1] svg:y[0] table:cell-range |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | xlink:href |
Parent Elements | chart:axis chart:chart |
Child Elements | text:p |
Attributes | chart:style-name svg:x[1] svg:y[0] table:cell-range |
Parent Elements | chart:plot-area |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | chart:style-name svg:width[1] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | config:config-item-map-entry config:config-item-set |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | config:name config:type |
Parent Elements | config:config-item-map-indexed config:config-item-map-named |
Child Elements | config:config-item* config:config-item-map-indexed* config:config-item-map-named* config:config-item-set* |
Attributes | config:name |
Parent Elements | config:config-item-map-entry config:config-item-set |
Child Elements | config:config-item-map-entry* |
Attributes | config:name |
Parent Elements | config:config-item-map-entry config:config-item-set |
Child Elements | config:config-item-map-entry* |
Attributes | config:name |
Parent Elements | config:config-item-map-entry config:config-item-set office:settings |
Child Elements | config:config-item* config:config-item-map-indexed* config:config-item-map-named* config:config-item-set* |
Attributes | config:name |
Parent Elements | db:driver-settings |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:additional-column-statement db:row-retrieving-statement |
Parent Elements | db:driver-settings db:table-setting |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:encoding |
Parent Elements | db:table-definition |
Child Elements | db:column-definition* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:query db:table-representation |
Child Elements | db:column* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:component-collection db:forms db:reports |
Child Elements | math:math office:document |
Attributes | db:as-template db:description db:name db:title xlink:actuate[0] xlink:href xlink:show[0] xlink:type |
Parent Elements | db:component-collection db:forms db:reports |
Child Elements | db:component* db:component-collection* |
Attributes | db:description db:name db:title |
Parent Elements | db:data-source |
Child Elements | db:connection-resource db:database-description db:login |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:connection-data |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | xlink:actuate[0] xlink:href xlink:show[0] xlink:type |
Parent Elements | office:database |
Child Elements | db:application-connection-settings db:connection-data db:driver-settings |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:data-source-settings |
Child Elements | db:data-source-setting-value* |
Attributes | db:data-source-setting-is-list db:data-source-setting-name db:data-source-setting-type |
Parent Elements | db:data-source-setting |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:application-connection-settings |
Child Elements | db:data-source-setting* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:connection-data |
Child Elements | db:file-based-database db:server-database |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:driver-settings db:table-setting |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:decimal db:field db:string db:thousand |
Parent Elements | db:data-source |
Child Elements | db:auto-increment db:character-set db:delimiter db:table-settings |
Attributes | db:base-dn db:is-first-row-header-line db:parameter-name-substitution db:show-deleted db:system-driver-settings |
Parent Elements | db:database-description |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:extension db:media-type xlink:href xlink:type |
Parent Elements | db:query db:table-representation |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:apply-command db:command |
Parent Elements | office:database |
Child Elements | db:component* db:component-collection* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:indices |
Child Elements | db:index-columns* |
Attributes | db:catalog-name db:is-clustered db:is-unique db:name |
Parent Elements | db:index-columns |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:is-ascending db:name |
Parent Elements | db:index |
Child Elements | db:index-column* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:table-definition |
Child Elements | db:index* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:keys |
Child Elements | db:key-columns* |
Attributes | db:delete-rule db:name db:referenced-table-name db:type[1] db:update-rule |
Parent Elements | db:key-columns |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:name db:related-column-name |
Parent Elements | db:key |
Child Elements | db:key-column* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:table-definition |
Child Elements | db:key* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:connection-data |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:is-password-required db:login-timeout db:use-system-user db:user-name |
Parent Elements | db:query db:table-representation |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:apply-command db:command |
Parent Elements | office:database |
Child Elements | db:query* db:query-collection* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:queries db:query-collection |
Child Elements | db:columns db:filter-statement db:order-statement db:update-table |
Attributes | db:command db:default-row-style-name db:description db:escape-processing db:name db:style-name db:title |
Parent Elements | db:queries db:query-collection |
Child Elements | db:query* db:query-collection* |
Attributes | db:description db:name db:title |
Parent Elements | office:database |
Child Elements | db:component* db:component-collection* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:database |
Child Elements | db:table-definitions |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:database-description |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:database-name db:hostname db:local-socket db:port db:type[2] |
Parent Elements | db:table-definitions |
Child Elements | db:column-definitions db:indices db:keys |
Attributes | db:catalog-name db:name db:schema-name db:type[0] |
Parent Elements | db:schema-definition |
Child Elements | db:table-definition* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:table-filter |
Child Elements | db:table-filter-pattern* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:application-connection-settings |
Child Elements | db:table-exclude-filter db:table-include-filter |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:table-exclude-filter db:table-include-filter |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:table-filter |
Child Elements | db:table-filter-pattern* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:table-representations |
Child Elements | db:columns db:filter-statement db:order-statement |
Attributes | db:catalog-name db:default-row-style-name db:description db:name db:schema-name db:style-name db:title |
Parent Elements | office:database |
Child Elements | db:table-representation* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:table-settings |
Child Elements | db:character-set db:delimiter |
Attributes | db:is-first-row-header-line db:show-deleted |
Parent Elements | db:driver-settings |
Child Elements | db:table-setting* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:table-type-filter |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:application-connection-settings |
Child Elements | db:table-type* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | db:query |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | db:catalog-name db:name db:schema-name |
Parent Elements | office:annotation office:change-info office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:annotation office:change-info office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | dr3d:scene |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | dr3d:max-edge dr3d:min-edge dr3d:transform draw:class-names draw:id[0] draw:layer draw:style-name draw:z-index presentation:class-names presentation:style-name xml:id |
Parent Elements | dr3d:scene |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | dr3d:transform draw:class-names draw:id[0] draw:layer draw:style-name draw:z-index presentation:class-names presentation:style-name svg:d svg:viewBox xml:id |
Parent Elements | chart:plot-area dr3d:scene |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | dr3d:diffuse-color dr3d:direction dr3d:enabled dr3d:specular |
Parent Elements | dr3d:scene |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | dr3d:transform draw:class-names draw:id[0] draw:layer draw:style-name draw:z-index presentation:class-names presentation:style-name svg:d svg:viewBox xml:id |
Parent Elements | dr3d:scene |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | dr3d:center dr3d:size dr3d:transform draw:class-names draw:id[0] draw:layer draw:style-name draw:z-index presentation:class-names presentation:style-name xml:id |
Parent Elements | draw:frame |
Child Elements | draw:param* |
Attributes | draw:archive draw:code draw:may-script draw:object xlink:actuate[1] xlink:href xlink:show[2] xlink:type xml:id |
Parent Elements | draw:image-map |
Child Elements | office:event-listeners svg:desc svg:title |
Attributes | draw:nohref office:name office:target-frame-name svg:cx[0] svg:cy[0] svg:r[0] xlink:href xlink:show[1] xlink:type |
Parent Elements | draw:image-map |
Child Elements | office:event-listeners svg:desc svg:title |
Attributes | draw:nohref draw:points office:name office:target-frame-name svg:height[0] svg:viewBox svg:width[1] svg:x[1] svg:y[0] xlink:href xlink:show[1] xlink:type |
Parent Elements | draw:image-map |
Child Elements | office:event-listeners svg:desc svg:title |
Attributes | draw:nohref office:name office:target-frame-name svg:height[0] svg:width[1] svg:x[1] svg:y[0] xlink:href xlink:show[1] xlink:type |
Parent Elements | draw:frame |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:recreate-on-edit svg:d svg:height[0] svg:viewBox svg:width[1] |
Parent Elements | draw:frame |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:points draw:recreate-on-edit svg:height[0] svg:viewBox svg:width[1] |
Parent Elements | draw:enhanced-geometry |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:formula draw:name[1] |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:display-name draw:name[0] svg:height[0] svg:width[1] xlink:actuate[1] xlink:href xlink:show[2] xlink:type |
Parent Elements | draw:frame |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:frame-name xlink:actuate[1] xlink:href xlink:show[2] xlink:type xml:id |
Parent Elements | dr3d:scene draw:caption draw:circle draw:connector draw:control draw:custom-shape draw:ellipse draw:frame draw:g draw:line draw:measure draw:path draw:polygon draw:polyline draw:rect draw:regular-polygon |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:align draw:escape-direction draw:id[1] svg:x[0] svg:y[1] |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:angle draw:border draw:cx draw:cy draw:display-name draw:end-color draw:end-intensity draw:name[0] draw:start-color draw:start-intensity draw:style[1] |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:color draw:display-name draw:distance[1] draw:name[0] draw:rotation draw:style[0] |
Parent Elements | draw:frame |
Child Elements | office:binary-data text:list* text:p* |
Attributes | draw:filter-name xlink:actuate[1] xlink:href xlink:show[2] xlink:type xml:id |
Parent Elements | draw:frame |
Child Elements | draw:area-circle* draw:area-polygon* draw:area-rectangle* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | draw:layer-set |
Child Elements | svg:desc svg:title |
Attributes | draw:display draw:name[1] draw:protected |
Parent Elements | draw:page office:master-styles style:master-page |
Child Elements | draw:layer* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:display-name draw:name[0] svg:d svg:viewBox |
Parent Elements | draw:frame |
Child Elements | math:math office:document |
Attributes | draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges xlink:actuate[1] xlink:href xlink:show[2] xlink:type xml:id |
Parent Elements | draw:frame |
Child Elements | office:binary-data |
Attributes | draw:class-id xlink:actuate[1] xlink:href xlink:show[2] xlink:type xml:id |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:angle draw:border draw:cx draw:cy draw:display-name draw:end draw:name[0] draw:start draw:style[1] |
Parent Elements | draw:applet draw:plugin |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:name[1] draw:value |
Parent Elements | draw:frame |
Child Elements | draw:param* |
Attributes | draw:mime-type xlink:actuate[1] xlink:href xlink:show[2] xlink:type xml:id |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:display-name draw:distance[0] draw:dots1 draw:dots1-length draw:dots2 draw:dots2-length draw:name[0] draw:style[2] |
Parent Elements | form:grid |
Child Elements | form:checkbox* form:combobox* form:date* form:formatted-text* form:listbox* form:number* form:text* form:textarea* form:time* |
Attributes | form:control-implementation form:label form:name form:text-style-name |
Parent Elements | form:form text:database-display text:database-name text:database-next text:database-row-number text:database-row-select |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | xlink:href |
Parent Elements | form:form |
Child Elements | form:properties office:event-listeners |
Attributes | form:control-implementation form:disabled form:for form:id form:label form:multi-line form:name form:printable form:title xforms:bind xml:id |
Parent Elements | form:form |
Child Elements | form:properties office:event-listeners |
Attributes | form:control-implementation form:disabled form:for form:id form:label form:name form:printable form:title xforms:bind xml:id |
Parent Elements | form:form |
Child Elements | form:properties office:event-listeners |
Attributes | form:control-implementation form:id form:name xforms:bind xml:id |
Parent Elements | form:form |
Child Elements | form:column* form:properties office:event-listeners |
Attributes | form:control-implementation form:disabled form:id form:name form:printable form:tab-index form:tab-stop form:title xforms:bind xml:id |
Parent Elements | form:form |
Child Elements | form:properties office:event-listeners |
Attributes | form:control-implementation form:id form:name form:value[3] xforms:bind xml:id |
Parent Elements | form:form |
Child Elements | form:properties office:event-listeners |
Attributes | form:control-implementation form:data-field form:disabled form:id form:image-data form:name form:printable form:readonly form:title xforms:bind xml:id |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | form:combobox |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | form:label |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | form:list-property |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:value |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | form:list-property |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:date-value |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | form:list-property |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:value |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | form:list-property |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:boolean-value |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | form:list-property |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:string-value |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | form:list-property |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:time-value |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | form:list-property |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:currency office:value |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | form:listbox |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | form:current-selected form:label form:selected form:value[3] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | db:component draw:object |
Child Elements | [any org.w3c.dom.Element] |
Attributes | [any org.w3c.dom.Attribute] |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | meta:delay xlink:actuate[1] xlink:href xlink:show[3] xlink:type |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:annotation |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:target-frame-name xlink:show[1] |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | meta:date xlink:actuate[0] xlink:href xlink:title xlink:type |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | office:meta |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | meta:name meta:value-type[0] meta:value-type[1] meta:value-type[2] meta:value-type[3] meta:value-type[4] |
Parent Elements | number:date-style number:time-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | number:boolean-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | number:currency-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:country number:language number:rfc-language-tag number:script |
Parent Elements | number:date-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:calendar number:style |
Parent Elements | number:date-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:calendar number:style |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | number:number |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:position |
Parent Elements | number:date-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:calendar number:style |
Parent Elements | number:number-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:denominator-value number:grouping number:min-denominator-digits number:min-integer-digits number:min-numerator-digits |
Parent Elements | number:date-style number:time-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:style |
Parent Elements | number:date-style number:time-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:style |
Parent Elements | number:date-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:calendar number:possessive-form number:style number:textual |
Parent Elements | number:currency-style number:number-style number:percentage-style |
Child Elements | number:embedded-text* |
Attributes | number:decimal-places number:decimal-replacement number:display-factor number:grouping number:min-integer-digits |
Parent Elements | number:date-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:calendar number:style |
Parent Elements | number:number-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:decimal-places number:grouping number:min-exponent-digits number:min-integer-digits |
Parent Elements | number:date-style number:time-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:decimal-places number:style |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | number:boolean-style number:currency-style number:date-style number:number-style number:percentage-style number:text-style number:time-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | number:text-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | number:date-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:calendar |
Parent Elements | number:date-style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | number:calendar number:style |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:name |
Parent Elements | office:document office:document-content office:document-styles |
Child Elements | number:boolean-style* number:currency-style* number:date-style* number:number-style* number:percentage-style* number:text-style* number:time-style* style:page-layout* style:style* text:list-style* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | draw:image draw:object-ole style:background-image text:list-level-style-image |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:document office:document-content |
Child Elements | office:chart office:database office:drawing office:image office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:cell-content-change table:deletion table:insertion table:movement text:deletion text:format-change text:insertion |
Child Elements | dc:creator dc:date text:p* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:body |
Child Elements | db:data-source db:forms db:queries db:reports db:schema-definition db:table-representations |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:dde-link table:table text:section |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:automatic-update office:conversion-mode office:dde-application office:dde-item office:dde-topic office:name |
Parent Elements | db:component draw:object |
Child Elements | office:automatic-styles office:body office:font-face-decls office:master-styles office:meta office:scripts office:settings office:styles |
Attributes | grddl:transformation office:mimetype office:version |
Parent Elements | |
Child Elements | office:automatic-styles office:body office:font-face-decls office:scripts |
Attributes | grddl:transformation office:version |
Parent Elements | |
Child Elements | office:meta |
Attributes | grddl:transformation office:version |
Parent Elements | |
Child Elements | office:settings |
Attributes | grddl:transformation office:version |
Parent Elements | |
Child Elements | office:automatic-styles office:font-face-decls office:master-styles office:styles |
Attributes | grddl:transformation office:version |
Parent Elements | office:document office:document-content office:document-styles |
Child Elements | style:font-face* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | draw:page office:text presentation:notes style:master-page table:table |
Child Elements | form:form* xforms:model* |
Attributes | form:apply-design-mode form:automatic-focus |
Parent Elements | office:body |
Child Elements | draw:frame |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:document office:document-styles |
Child Elements | draw:layer-set style:handout-master style:master-page* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:document office:document-meta |
Child Elements | dc:creator* dc:date* dc:description* dc:language* dc:subject* dc:title* meta:auto-reload* meta:creation-date* meta:document-statistic* meta:editing-cycles* meta:editing-duration* meta:generator* meta:hyperlink-behaviour* meta:initial-creator* meta:keyword* meta:print-date* meta:printed-by* meta:template* meta:user-defined* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:scripts |
Child Elements | [any org.w3c.dom.Element] |
Attributes | script:language |
Parent Elements | office:document office:document-content |
Child Elements | office:event-listeners office:script* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:document office:document-settings |
Child Elements | config:config-item-set* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | presentation:animations |
Child Elements | presentation:dim* presentation:hide-shape* presentation:hide-text* presentation:play* presentation:show-shape* presentation:show-text* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | draw:page |
Child Elements | presentation:animation-group* presentation:dim* presentation:hide-shape* presentation:hide-text* presentation:play* presentation:show-shape* presentation:show-text* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | office:presentation |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | presentation:name presentation:source style:data-style-name |
Parent Elements | presentation:animation-group presentation:animations |
Child Elements | presentation:sound |
Attributes | draw:color draw:shape-id |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | office:presentation |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | presentation:name |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | office:presentation |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | presentation:name |
Parent Elements | presentation:animation-group presentation:animations |
Child Elements | presentation:sound |
Attributes | draw:shape-id presentation:delay presentation:direction presentation:effect presentation:path-id presentation:speed presentation:start-scale |
Parent Elements | presentation:animation-group presentation:animations |
Child Elements | presentation:sound |
Attributes | draw:shape-id presentation:delay presentation:direction presentation:effect presentation:path-id presentation:speed presentation:start-scale |
Parent Elements | style:presentation-page-layout |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | presentation:object svg:height[1] svg:width[0] svg:x[0] svg:y[1] |
Parent Elements | presentation:animation-group presentation:animations |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | draw:shape-id presentation:speed |
Parent Elements | presentation:settings |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | presentation:name presentation:pages |
Parent Elements | presentation:animation-group presentation:animations |
Child Elements | presentation:sound |
Attributes | draw:shape-id presentation:delay presentation:direction presentation:effect presentation:path-id presentation:speed presentation:start-scale |
Parent Elements | presentation:animation-group presentation:animations |
Child Elements | presentation:sound |
Attributes | draw:shape-id presentation:delay presentation:direction presentation:effect presentation:path-id presentation:speed presentation:start-scale |
Parent Elements | office:event-listeners |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | script:event-name script:language script:macro-name xlink:actuate[0] xlink:href xlink:type |
Parent Elements | style:columns |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | fo:end-indent fo:space-after fo:space-before fo:start-indent style:rel-width[1] |
Parent Elements | style:columns |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:color style:height style:style style:vertical-align[1] style:width[0] |
Parent Elements | style:graphic-properties style:page-layout-properties style:section-properties |
Child Elements | style:column* style:column-sep |
Attributes | fo:column-count fo:column-gap |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | style:footer-style style:header-style style:page-layout-properties |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | style:paragraph-properties |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:distance style:length style:lines style:style-name |
Parent Elements | style:default-page-layout style:page-layout |
Child Elements | style:header-footer-properties |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | style:page-layout-properties |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:adjustment style:color style:distance-after-sep style:distance-before-sep style:line-style style:rel-width[0] style:width[0] |
Parent Elements | style:default-page-layout style:page-layout |
Child Elements | style:header-footer-properties |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | style:list-level-properties |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | fo:margin-left[1] fo:text-indent[0] text:label-followed-by text:list-tab-stop-position |
Parent Elements | number:boolean-style number:currency-style number:date-style number:number-style number:percentage-style number:text-style number:time-style style:style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:apply-style-name style:base-cell-address style:condition |
Parent Elements | office:automatic-styles |
Child Elements | style:footer-style style:header-style style:page-layout-properties |
Attributes | style:name[0] style:page-usage |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | presentation:placeholder* |
Attributes | style:display-name style:name[0] |
Parent Elements | style:footer style:footer-left style:header style:header-left |
Child Elements | text:p* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | style:footer style:footer-left style:header style:header-left |
Child Elements | text:p* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | style:footer style:footer-left style:header style:header-left |
Child Elements | text:p* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | style:default-style style:style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:ruby-align style:ruby-position |
Parent Elements | style:tab-stops |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:char style:leader-color style:leader-style style:leader-text style:leader-text-style style:leader-type style:leader-width style:position[1] style:type[0] style:type[3] |
Parent Elements | style:paragraph-properties |
Child Elements | style:tab-stop* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | style:default-style style:style |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | fo:break-after fo:break-before style:column-width style:rel-column-width style:use-optimal-column-width |
Parent Elements | style:default-style style:style |
Child Elements | style:background-image |
Attributes | fo:background-color fo:break-after fo:break-before fo:keep-together style:min-row-height style:row-height style:use-optimal-row-height |
Parent Elements | style:font-face |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | xlink:actuate[0] xlink:href xlink:type |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | svg:font-face-uri |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | svg:string |
Parent Elements | svg:font-face-src |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | svg:name |
Parent Elements | style:font-face |
Child Elements | svg:font-face-name* svg:font-face-uri* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | svg:font-face-src |
Child Elements | svg:font-face-format* |
Attributes | xlink:actuate[0] xlink:href xlink:type |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | svg:stop* |
Attributes | draw:display-name draw:name[0] svg:gradientTransform svg:gradientUnits svg:spreadMethod svg:x1[1] svg:x2[1] svg:y1[1] svg:y2[1] |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | svg:stop* |
Attributes | draw:display-name draw:name[0] svg:cx[1] svg:cy[1] svg:fx svg:fy svg:gradientTransform svg:gradientUnits svg:r[1] svg:spreadMethod |
Parent Elements | svg:linearGradient svg:radialGradient |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | svg:offset svg:stop-color svg:stop-opacity |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:paragraph-style-name table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:cell-content-change table:cell-content-deletion |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:column table:row table:table |
Parent Elements | table:tracked-changes |
Child Elements | office:change-info table:cell-address table:deletions table:dependencies table:previous |
Attributes | table:acceptance-state table:id table:rejecting-change-id |
Parent Elements | table:deletions |
Child Elements | table:cell-address table:change-track-table-cell |
Attributes | table:id |
Parent Elements | table:covered-table-cell table:table-cell |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:filter-name table:filter-options table:last-column-spanned table:last-row-spanned table:name[0] table:refresh-delay[0] xlink:actuate[0] xlink:href xlink:type |
Parent Elements | table:deletions |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:id |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:function[1] table:link-to-source-data table:source-cell-range-addresses table:target-cell-address table:use-labels |
Parent Elements | table:content-validations |
Child Elements | office:event-listeners table:error-macro table:error-message table:help-message |
Attributes | table:allow-empty-cell table:base-cell-address table:condition table:display-list table:name[0] |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text |
Child Elements | table:content-validation* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:deletion |
Child Elements | table:insertion-cut-off table:movement-cut-off* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-level |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:data-field table:display-member-mode table:enabled table:member-count |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-field |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:field-name table:member-name table:member-type[0] table:member-type[1] table:type[1] |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-groups |
Child Elements | table:data-pilot-group-member* |
Attributes | table:name[0] |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-group |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:name[0] |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-field |
Child Elements | table:data-pilot-group* |
Attributes | table:date-end table:date-start table:end table:grouped-by table:source-field-name table:start table:step |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-level |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:add-empty-lines table:layout-mode |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-field |
Child Elements | table:data-pilot-display-info table:data-pilot-layout-info table:data-pilot-members table:data-pilot-sort-info table:data-pilot-subtotals |
Attributes | table:show-empty |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-members |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:display table:name[0] table:show-details |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-level |
Child Elements | table:data-pilot-member* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-level |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:data-field table:order table:sort-mode[0] table:sort-mode[1] |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-subtotals |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:function[0] |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-level |
Child Elements | table:data-pilot-subtotal* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text |
Child Elements | table:data-pilot-table* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text |
Child Elements | table:database-range* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-table table:database-range |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:database-name table:query-name |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-table table:database-range |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:database-name table:parse-sql-statement table:sql-statement |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-table table:database-range |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:database-name table:database-table-name |
Parent Elements | table:dde-links |
Child Elements | office:dde-source table:table |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text |
Child Elements | table:dde-link* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:tracked-changes |
Child Elements | office:change-info table:cut-offs table:deletions table:dependencies |
Attributes | table:acceptance-state table:id table:multi-deletion-spanned table:position table:rejecting-change-id table:table table:type[0] |
Parent Elements | table:cell-content-change table:deletion table:insertion table:movement |
Child Elements | table:cell-content-deletion* table:change-deletion* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:cell-content-change table:deletion table:insertion table:movement |
Child Elements | table:dependency* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:dependencies |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:id |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | table:table |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:covered-table-cell table:table-cell |
Child Elements | table:highlighted-range* table:operation* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:content-validation |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:execute |
Parent Elements | table:content-validation |
Child Elements | text:p* |
Attributes | table:display table:message-type table:title |
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:paragraph-style-name table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:paragraph-style-name table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:filter table:filter-or |
Child Elements | table:filter-condition* table:filter-or* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:filter table:filter-and table:filter-or |
Child Elements | table:filter-set-item* |
Attributes | table:case-sensitive[1] table:data-type[0] table:field-number table:operator table:value[0] |
Parent Elements | table:filter table:filter-and |
Child Elements | table:filter-and* table:filter-condition* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:filter-condition |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:value[1] |
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:paragraph-style-name table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:paragraph-style-name table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:content-validation |
Child Elements | text:p* |
Attributes | table:display table:title |
Parent Elements | table:detective |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:cell-range-address[0] table:contains-error table:direction table:marked-invalid |
Parent Elements | table:tracked-changes |
Child Elements | office:change-info table:deletions table:dependencies |
Attributes | table:acceptance-state table:count table:id table:position table:rejecting-change-id table:table table:type[0] |
Parent Elements | table:cut-offs |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:id table:position |
Parent Elements | table:calculation-settings |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:maximum-difference table:status table:steps |
Parent Elements | table:label-ranges |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:data-cell-range-address table:label-cell-range-address table:orientation[0] |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text |
Child Elements | table:label-range* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:paragraph-style-name table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:paragraph-style-name table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:tracked-changes |
Child Elements | office:change-info table:deletions table:dependencies table:source-range-address table:target-range-address |
Attributes | table:acceptance-state table:id table:rejecting-change-id |
Parent Elements | table:cut-offs |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:end-position table:position table:start-position |
Parent Elements | table:named-expressions |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:base-cell-address table:expression table:name[0] |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text table:table |
Child Elements | table:named-expression* table:named-range* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:named-expressions |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:base-cell-address table:cell-range-address[0] table:name[0] table:range-usable-as |
Parent Elements | table:calculation-settings |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:date-value table:value-type |
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:paragraph-style-name table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:table-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:paragraph-style-name table:style-name |
Parent Elements | table:detective |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:index table:name[1] |
Parent Elements | table:cell-content-change |
Child Elements | table:change-track-table-cell |
Attributes | table:id |
Parent Elements | table:table |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:border-color table:comment table:copy-back table:copy-formulas table:copy-styles table:display-border table:is-active table:protected table:scenario-ranges |
Parent Elements | table:table |
Child Elements | dr3d:scene* draw:a* draw:caption* draw:circle* draw:connector* draw:control* draw:custom-shape* draw:ellipse* draw:frame* draw:g* draw:line* draw:measure* draw:page-thumbnail* draw:path* draw:polygon* draw:polyline* draw:rect* draw:regular-polygon* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:sort |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:data-type[1] table:field-number table:order |
Parent Elements | table:subtotal-rules |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:data-type[1] table:order |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-table |
Child Elements | table:filter |
Attributes | table:cell-range-address[0] |
Parent Elements | table:movement |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:column table:end-column table:end-row table:end-table table:row table:start-column table:start-row table:start-table table:table |
Parent Elements | table:data-pilot-table |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:name[0] table:object-name table:password table:source-name table:user-name |
Parent Elements | table:subtotal-rule |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:field-number table:function[1] |
Parent Elements | table:subtotal-rules |
Child Elements | table:subtotal-field* |
Attributes | table:group-by-field-number |
Parent Elements | table:database-range |
Child Elements | table:sort-groups table:subtotal-rule* |
Attributes | table:bind-styles-to-content table:case-sensitive[0] table:page-breaks-on-group-change |
Parent Elements | table:table table:table-column-group table:table-columns table:table-header-columns |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:default-cell-style-name table:number-columns-repeated table:style-name table:visibility xml:id |
Parent Elements | table:table table:table-column-group |
Child Elements | table:table-column* table:table-column-group* table:table-columns* table:table-header-columns* |
Attributes | table:display |
Parent Elements | table:table table:table-column-group |
Child Elements | table:table-column* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:table table:table-column-group |
Child Elements | table:table-column* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:table table:table-row-group |
Child Elements | table:table-row* text:soft-page-break* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:table table:table-header-rows table:table-row-group table:table-rows |
Child Elements | table:covered-table-cell* table:table-cell* |
Attributes | table:default-cell-style-name table:number-rows-repeated table:style-name table:visibility xml:id |
Parent Elements | table:table table:table-row-group |
Child Elements | table:table-header-rows* table:table-row* table:table-row-group* table:table-rows* text:soft-page-break* |
Attributes | table:display |
Parent Elements | table:table table:table-row-group |
Child Elements | table:table-row* text:soft-page-break* |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | table:table |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:filter-name table:filter-options table:mode table:refresh-delay[0] table:table-name xlink:actuate[0] xlink:href xlink:type |
Parent Elements | table:movement |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | table:column table:end-column table:end-row table:end-table table:row table:start-column table:start-row table:start-table table:table |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | table:table |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | office:spreadsheet |
Child Elements | table:cell-content-change* table:deletion* table:insertion* table:movement* |
Attributes | table:track-changes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text style:footer style:footer-left style:header style:header-left |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | xlink:href xlink:type |
Parent Elements | text:alphabetical-index-source |
Child Elements | text:index-entry-chapter* text:index-entry-page-number* text:index-entry-span* text:index-entry-tab-stop* text:index-entry-text* |
Attributes | text:outline-level[2] text:style-name |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:key1 text:key1-phonetic text:key2 text:key2-phonetic text:main-entry text:string-value text:string-value-phonetic |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:id[1] |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:id[1] text:key1 text:key1-phonetic text:key2 text:key2-phonetic text:main-entry text:string-value-phonetic |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | text:sort-key* |
Attributes | fo:country fo:language fo:script style:rfc-language-tag text:numbered-entries text:prefix text:sort-algorithm text:sort-by-position text:suffix |
Parent Elements | text:bibliography-source |
Child Elements | text:index-entry-bibliography* text:index-entry-span* text:index-entry-tab-stop* |
Attributes | text:bibliography-type text:style-name |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:bibliography |
Child Elements | text:bibliography-entry-template* text:index-title-template |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:name xml:id |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:name |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:ref-name text:reference-format[1] |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:name xhtml:about xhtml:content xhtml:datatype xhtml:property xml:id |
Parent Elements | text:tracked-changes |
Child Elements | text:deletion text:format-change text:insertion |
Attributes | text:id[0] xml:id |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:display[1] text:outline-level[1] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:condition[0] text:current-value text:string-value-if-false text:string-value-if-true |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:date-value[0] text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:fixed text:time-value[1] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | form:connection-resource |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:column-name text:database-name text:table-name text:table-type |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | form:connection-resource |
Attributes | text:database-name text:table-name text:table-type |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | form:connection-resource |
Attributes | text:condition[0] text:database-name text:table-name text:table-type |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | form:connection-resource |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync text:database-name text:table-name text:table-type text:value |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | form:connection-resource |
Attributes | text:condition[0] text:database-name text:row-number text:table-name text:table-type |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:date-adjust text:date-value[0] text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:connection-name |
Parent Elements | text:dde-connection-decls |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:automatic-update office:dde-application office:dde-item office:dde-topic office:name |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text style:footer style:footer-left style:header style:header-left |
Child Elements | text:dde-connection-decl* |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:duration text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | office:event-listeners |
Attributes | text:name |
This element can have a text node child.
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:display[0] text:fixed |
Parent Elements | text:changed-region |
Child Elements | office:change-info |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:condition[0] text:is-hidden |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:condition[0] text:is-hidden text:string-value |
Parent Elements | text:illustration-index-source |
Child Elements | text:index-entry-chapter* text:index-entry-page-number* text:index-entry-span* text:index-entry-tab-stop* text:index-entry-text* |
Attributes | text:style-name |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync |
Parent Elements | text:bibliography-entry-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:bibliography-data-field text:style-name |
Parent Elements | text:table-of-content-entry-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:style-name |
Parent Elements | text:table-of-content-entry-template |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:style-name |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:index-source-styles |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:style-name |
Parent Elements | text:table-of-content-source text:user-index-source |
Child Elements | text:index-source-style* |
Attributes | text:outline-level[0] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:alphabetical-index-source text:bibliography-source text:illustration-index-source text:object-index-source text:table-index-source text:table-of-content-source text:user-index-source |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:style-name |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
Parent Elements | text:changed-region |
Child Elements | office:change-info |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:linenumbering-configuration |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:increment |
Parent Elements | text:list |
Child Elements | text:h* text:list* text:number text:p* text:soft-page-break* |
Attributes | xml:id |
Parent Elements | text:list |
Child Elements | text:h* text:list* text:number text:p* text:soft-page-break* |
Attributes | text:start-value[0] text:style-override xml:id |
Parent Elements | text:list-style |
Child Elements | style:list-level-properties style:text-properties |
Attributes | style:num-prefix style:num-suffix text:bullet-char text:bullet-relative-size text:level text:style-name |
Parent Elements | text:list-style |
Child Elements | office:binary-data style:list-level-properties |
Attributes | text:level xlink:actuate[1] xlink:href xlink:show[2] xlink:type |
Parent Elements | office:automatic-styles office:styles style:graphic-properties |
Child Elements | text:list-level-style-bullet* text:list-level-style-image* text:list-level-style-number* |
Attributes | style:display-name style:name[0] text:consecutive-numbering |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:kind |
This element can have a text node child.
This element can have a text node child.
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:date-value[1] text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:fixed text:time-value[0] |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | text:note-body text:note-citation |
Attributes | text:id[1] text:note-class |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:note |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:label |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:notes-configuration |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:notes-configuration |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:note-class text:ref-name text:reference-format[2] |
Parent Elements | text:h text:list-header text:list-item text:numbered-paragraph |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync |
Parent Elements | text:object-index-source |
Child Elements | text:index-entry-chapter* text:index-entry-page-number* text:index-entry-span* text:index-entry-tab-stop* text:index-entry-text* |
Attributes | text:style-name |
Parent Elements | office:styles |
Child Elements | text:outline-level-style* |
Attributes | style:name[0] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:page-sequence |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:master-page-name |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:select-page[1] text:string-value |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync text:fixed text:page-adjust text:select-page[0] |
Parent Elements | office:text |
Child Elements | text:page* |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:active text:page-adjust |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:description text:placeholder-type |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:date-value[1] text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:fixed text:time-value[0] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:name |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:name |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:name |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:ref-name text:reference-format[1] |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | text:ruby-base text:ruby-text |
Attributes | text:style-name |
This element can have a text node child.
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:ruby |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:style-name |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:c |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | script:language xlink:href xlink:type |
Parent Elements | text:section |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:filter-name text:section-name xlink:href xlink:show[2] xlink:type |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync text:formula text:name text:ref-name |
Parent Elements | text:sequence-decls |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:display-outline-level text:name text:separation-character |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text style:footer style:footer-left style:header style:header-left |
Child Elements | text:sequence-decl* |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:ref-name text:reference-format[0] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes |
Parent Elements | text:bibliography-configuration |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:key text:sort-ascending |
This element can have a text node child.
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:tab-ref |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:display[2] text:formula |
Parent Elements | text:table-index-source |
Child Elements | text:index-entry-chapter* text:index-entry-page-number* text:index-entry-span* text:index-entry-tab-stop* text:index-entry-text* |
Attributes | text:style-name |
Parent Elements | text:table-index |
Child Elements | text:index-title-template text:table-index-entry-template |
Attributes | text:caption-sequence-format text:caption-sequence-name text:index-scope text:relative-tab-stop-position text:use-caption |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:display[5] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:description |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:fixed text:time-adjust text:time-value[1] |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:fixed |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:outline-level[0] text:string-value |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:id[1] |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:id[1] text:outline-level[0] |
Parent Elements | office:text style:footer style:footer-left style:header style:header-left |
Child Elements | text:changed-region* |
Attributes | text:track-changes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:boolean-value office:date-value office:string-value office:time-value office:value style:data-style-name text:fixed text:name |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text style:footer style:footer-left style:header style:header-left |
Child Elements | text:user-field-decl* |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:display[3] text:name |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:description text:name |
Parent Elements | text:user-index-source |
Child Elements | text:index-entry-chapter* text:index-entry-page-number* text:index-entry-span* text:index-entry-tab-stop* text:index-entry-text* |
Attributes | text:outline-level[0] text:style-name |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:index-name text:outline-level[0] text:string-value |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:id[1] |
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | text:id[1] text:index-name text:outline-level[0] |
Parent Elements | text:variable-decls |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:value-type[2] text:name |
Parent Elements | office:chart office:drawing office:presentation office:spreadsheet office:text style:footer style:footer-left style:header style:header-left |
Child Elements | text:variable-decl* |
Attributes |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:data-style-name text:display[2] text:name |
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | office:value-type[2] style:data-style-name text:description text:display[4] text:name |
This element can have a text node child.
This element can have a text node child.
Parent Elements | text:a text:h text:meta text:meta-field text:p text:ruby-base text:span |
Child Elements | |
Attributes | style:num-format[0] style:num-format[1] style:num-letter-sync |
Parent Elements | office:forms |
Child Elements | [any org.w3c.dom.Element] |
Attributes | [any org.w3c.dom.Attribute] |
Parent Elements | anim:audio |
Datatypes | double |
Values |
Parent Elements | anim:animateColor |
Datatypes | |
Values | "hsl" "rgb" |
Parent Elements | anim:animateColor |
Datatypes | |
Values | "clockwise" "counter-clockwise" |
Parent Elements | anim:command |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | anim:animate anim:animateColor anim:animateMotion anim:animateTransform anim:transitionFilter |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | anim:audio anim:command anim:iterate anim:par anim:seq |
Datatypes | NCName |
Values |
Parent Elements | anim:iterate |
Datatypes | duration |
Values |
Parent Elements | anim:iterate |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | anim:param |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | anim:animate anim:animateColor anim:animateMotion anim:animateTransform anim:command anim:iterate anim:set anim:transitionFilter |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | anim:param |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | chart:series |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | chart:equation |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "near-axis" "near-axis-other-side" "outside-end" "outside-start" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | double |
Values | "end" "start" |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | chart:grid |
Datatypes | |
Values | "major" "minor" |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | chart:chart chart:series |
Datatypes | QName |
Values |
Parent Elements | chart:chart |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "none" "percentage" "value" "value-and-percentage" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | chart:plot-area |
Datatypes | |
Values | "both" "column" "none" "row" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | chart:axis chart:error-indicator |
Datatypes | |
Values | "x" "y" "z" |
Parent Elements | chart:equation |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | chart:equation |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "cell-range" "constant" "error-margin" "none" "percentage" "standard-deviation" "standard-error" "variance" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | double |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | double |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | double |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | double |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | integer |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "b-spline" "cubic-spline" "none" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | double |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | positiveInteger |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "side-by-side" "stagger-even" "stagger-odd" |
Parent Elements | chart:series |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "avoid-overlap" "bottom" "bottom-left" "bottom-right" "center" "inside" "left" "near-origin" "outside" "right" "top" "top-left" "top-right" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "avoid-overlap" "bottom" "bottom-left" "bottom-right" "center" "inside" "left" "near-origin" "outside" "right" "top" "top-left" "top-right" |
Parent Elements | chart:legend |
Datatypes | |
Values | "center" "end" "start" |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | chart:legend |
Datatypes | |
Values | "bottom" "end" "start" "top" |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | chart:legend |
Datatypes | |
Values | "bottom-end" "bottom-start" "top-end" "top-start" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | double |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | double |
Values |
Parent Elements | chart:axis |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | double |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | integer |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | nonNegativeInteger |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "exponential" "linear" "logarithmic" "none" "power" |
Parent Elements | chart:data-point |
Datatypes | positiveInteger |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | chart:chart |
Datatypes | string |
Values |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
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Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
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Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
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Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
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Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
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Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
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There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "automatic" |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "none" |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "image" |
There are more than one Definitions by this name.
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | |
Values | "named-symbol" |
Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
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Parent Elements | style:chart-properties |
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Parent Elements | chart:series |
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Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | config:config-item |
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Parent Elements | db:auto-increment |
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Parent Elements | db:application-connection-settings |
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Parent Elements | db:filter-statement db:order-statement |
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Parent Elements | db:component |
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Parent Elements | db:driver-settings |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:application-connection-settings |
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Parent Elements | db:index db:table-definition db:table-representation db:update-table |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:filter-statement db:order-statement db:query |
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Parent Elements | db:data-source-setting |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:data-source-setting |
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Parent Elements | db:column-definition |
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Parent Elements | db:delimiter |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:column |
Datatypes | NCName |
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Parent Elements | db:query db:table-representation |
Datatypes | NCName |
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Parent Elements | db:key |
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Parent Elements | db:column db:component db:component-collection db:query db:query-collection db:table-representation |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:application-connection-settings |
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Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | db:character-set |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:query |
Datatypes | |
Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | db:file-based-database |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:delimiter |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:server-database |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:application-connection-settings |
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Values | "false" "true" |
Parent Elements | db:index-column |
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Parent Elements | db:column-definition |
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Parent Elements | db:index |
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Parent Elements | db:column-definition |
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Parent Elements | db:driver-settings db:table-setting |
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Parent Elements | db:column-definition |
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Parent Elements | db:login |
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Parent Elements | db:application-connection-settings |
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Parent Elements | db:index |
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Parent Elements | db:server-database |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:login |
Datatypes | positiveInteger |
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Parent Elements | db:application-connection-settings |
Datatypes | integer |
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Parent Elements | db:file-based-database |
Datatypes | string |
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Parent Elements | db:column db:column-definition db:component db:component-collection db:index db:index-column db:key db:key-column db:query db:query-collection db:table-definition db:table-representation db:update-table |
Datatypes | string &nb |