




Formatting Attributes (Operations)

Formatting attributes are used to modify the appearance of a specific component in the document. An object of type Attributes contains a variable number of attribute values, mapped by the attribute name. An attribute value can be an atomic value, an array, or an object of any type described above.

The following chapters describe all generic formatting attributes, divided by their attribute type. Unless specified differently, the values of all measurement attributes (sizes, margins, indentations, etc.) are in 1/100 of millimeters.


These attributes are only supported in the documentLayout operation.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Application Description
zoom Object {value:100} Document zoom factor, currently only as percentage in the property value.
defaultTabStop Integer 1270 Default interval of tab stops (1/2 inch).


Page formatting attributes will be applied to page elements.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description Notes
width Integer 0 all Page width, including all margins.
height Integer 0 all Page height, including all margins.
orientation Enum “portrait” all Page orientation (one of “portrait”, “landscape”). This is NOT supported in Presentation.
marginLeft Integer 0 all Distance from the left page border to the left border of the content area.
marginRight Integer 0 all Distance from the right page border to the right border of the content area.
marginTop Integer 0 all Distance from the top page border to the top border of the content area. (1)
marginBottom Integer 0 all Distance from the bottom page border to the bottom border of the content area. (1)
marginHeader Integer 0 all Distance from the top page border to the top border of the header.
marginFooter Integer 0 all Distance from the bottom page border to the bottom border of the footer.
firstPage Boolean false all Whether to use separate header/footer settings for the first page.
evenOddPages Boolean false all Whether to use separate header/footer settings for even and odd pages, and mirror margin settings accordingly.


(1) The top and bottom page margin will include a header or footer if existing. If the header/footer is too large to fit into the empty space, the effective size of the page content area has to be reduced to prevent the header/footer from overlapping with the page content area.


Paragraph formatting attributes will be applied to paragraph elements in a text document.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
alignment Enum “left” all Horizontal text alignment. One of “left”, “center”, “right”, or “justify”.
lineHeight LineHeight {type:“percent”, value:100} all Relative or absolute text line height.
fillColor Color Color.AUTO all Paragraph background color.
outlineLevel Integer 0 all The outline level specifies an integer which defines the level of the associated text. This level shall not affect the appearance of the text in the document, but shall be used to calculate the TOC field
listLevel Integer 0 all Level of indention
listId String ”” all Numbering definition instance reference. Can be shared by multiple lists.
listStyle String ”” all ID of the list style sheet.
listStart Boolean false element Indicates if the paragraph is at the start of a new list, require new numbering.
tabStops Array<TabStop> [] all Tabstop definitions
borderLeft Border Border.NONE all Left border
borderRight Border Border.NONE all Right border
borderTop Border Border.NONE all Top border
borderBottom Border Border.NONE all Bottom
borderInside Border Border.NONE all Border between paragraphs with same borders and margins
indentLeft Integer 0 all left margin
indentRight Integer 0 all right paragraph margin
indentFirstLine Integer 0 all first line indent, negative values represent hanging indents
marginTop Integer 0 all top margin
marginBottom Integer 0 all bottom margin
pageBreakBefore Boolean false all specifies that a page break is inserted before this paragraph, this attribute is not beeing inherited by followed paragraphs
contextualSpacing Boolean false all ignore spacing between paragraph with same paragraph style
listStartValue Integer -1 element Start index of the list level
listLabelHidden Boolean false element ODF is able to have multiple lists in a single list item. To emulate this, all paragraphs following the first have to use this property to disable the list.
nextStyleId String ”” (no style sheet) style The identifier of the paragraph style sheet that should be used in next paragraph (Enter key at end of paragraph).


Character attributes will be applied to any document components containing text.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description Notes
fontName String ”+mn-lt” all Font name.
fontNameEastAsia String ”” all Font name for East Asia unicode characters. (1)
fontNameComplex String ”” all Font name for complex unicode characters. (1)
fontNameSymbol String ”” all Font name for symbol characters in the private unicode range F000 to F0FF. (2)
fontSize Number 11 all Font size, in points.
bold Boolean false all Font weight.
italic Boolean false all Font slant.
underline Boolean false all Text underline (single line only).
strike Enum “none” all Font strike through, one of “none”, “single”, or “double”.
color Color Color.AUTO all Text color
fillColor Color Color.AUTO all Text background color. (3)
language String ”” all Specifies the language of the text, e.g. for spell checker. (3)
noProof Boolean false all Specifies if spelling or grammar errors are to be reported. (3)
url String ”” element The URL of a hyperlink. (3)
anchor String ”” element The anchor of a hyperlink. (3)
baseline Integer 0 all Character baseline in percent, if greater than 0 then the character is superscript otherwise if lower than 0 the character is subscript. (3)
caps Enum “none” all Character capture, “none”, “all”, or “small”. (3)
vertAlign Enum “baseline” all Character escapement, one of “baseline”, “sub”, or “super”. (3)


(1) Presentation only. Only added for roundtrip (copy/paste, delete/undo, …).

(2) Presentation only. Added to the attributes and add the fontName e.g. 'Wingdings' to the CSS font-family attribute.

(3) May not be supported by all components.


Table formatting attributes will be applied to table elements in a text document.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description Notes
width Integer String “auto” all Table width. If set to “auto”, the table is sized automatically according to the page size.
tableGrid Array [] element Grid column widths in logical units.
fillColor Color Color.AUTO all Background color
borderTop Border Border.NONE all Top table border (1)
borderBottom Border Border.NONE all Bottom table border (1)
borderLeft Border Border.NONE all Left table border (1)
borderRight Border Border.NONE all Right table border (1)
borderInsideHor Border Border.NONE all Inner horizontal borders
borderInsideVert Border Border.NONE all Inner vertical borders
paddingTop Integer 0 all Top cell padding
paddingBottom Integer 0 all Bottom cell padding
paddingLeft Integer 0 all Left cell padding
paddingRight Integer 0 all Right cell padding
pageBreakBefore Boolean false all specifies that a page break is inserted before this table, this attribute is not beeing inherited by followed table (ODF only feature, required by LO)
exclude Array [] element String array defining which conditional table attribute sets are not used from the table style sheet. See next table for details.

Each table style sheet contains multiple attribute sets, mapped by conditional keys which describe a specific area in the table. See TableStyleSheetAttributeSet for details. The attribute exclude specifies which of these attribute sets will be excluded from the table.

exclude key Excluded conditional attribute sets Description
“firstRow” firstRow, northWestCell, northEastCell Ignore formatting defined for the first row and the top corner cells of the table.
“lastRow” lastRow, southWestCell, southEastCell Ignore formatting defined for the last row and the bottom corner cells of the table.
“firstCol” firstCol, northWestCell, southWestCell Ignore formatting defined for the left column inand the left corner cells of the table.
“lastCol” lastCol, northEastCell, southEastCell Ignore formatting defined for the right column and the right corner cells of the table.
“bandsHor” band1Hor, band2Hor Ignore formatting defined for the inner rows of the table.
“bandsVert” band1Vert, band2Vert Ignore formatting defined for the inner columns of the table.


(1) Applies to the border of the whole table only.


Attribute type:row|

Table row formatting attributes will be applied to row elements of tables in a text document.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
height Integer String “auto” all Row height. If set to “auto”, the row is sized automatically according to its contents.
headerRow Boolean false all Specifies if this is a header row that is repeated on each page.


Attribute type:cell|

Table cell formatting attributes will be applied to cell elements in table rows in a text document.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
gridSpan Integer 1 element The number of columns spanned by the cell.
fillColor Color Color.AUTO all Cell background color.
fillType enum “solid” all (spreadsheet & presentation only) to support transparent cell backgrounds. If full fill & line attribute sets are supported, this property has to be removed. values of this property are “none”, “solid”, “gradient”, “bitmap”
borderTop Border Border.NONE all Top cell border.
borderBottom Border Border.NONE all Bottom cell border.
borderLeft Border Border.NONE all Left cell border.
borderRight Border Border.NONE all Right cell border.
borderInsideHor Border Border.NONE style Inner horizontal borders for conditional style attributes.
borderInsideVert Border Border.NONE style Inner vertical borders for conditional style attributes.
paddingTop Integer 0 all Top cell padding.
paddingBottom Integer 0 all Bottom cell padding.
paddingLeft Integer 0 all Left cell padding.
paddingRight Integer 0 all Right cell padding.
alignVert Enum “top” all This property describes the vertical cell alignment, its value can be “top”, “bottom”, “center”, “justified” or “distributed”
mergeVert Enum “noMerge all This property describes the vertical merging of table cells. Its value can be “restart”, “continue” or “noMerge”


Drawing Attributes - Text Document

Attribute type:drawing

Drawing formatting attributes will be applied to drawing objects embedded in the document.

Drawing formatting attributes will be applied to drawing objects embedded in the text document. Additionally to the attributes described in DrawingAttributes, text documents support the following attributes:

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description Notes
marginLeft Integer 0 all Left margin to text contents.
marginRight Integer 0 all Right margin to text contents.
marginTop Integer 0 all Top margin to text contents.
marginBottom Integer 0 all Bottom margin to text contents.
borderTop Border Border.NONE element Top border of the drawing object. (1)
borderBottom Border Border.NONE element Bottom border of the drawing object. (1)
borderLeft Border Border.NONE element Left border of the drawing object. (1)
borderRight Border Border.NONE element Right border of the drawing object. (1)
inline Boolean true all If true, the drawing object is embedded as character, otherwise the drawing floats in its parent element and is optionally wrapped by the text.
anchorHorBase Enum “margin” all Horizontal anchor mode. (see horizonallAnchorMode below) (2)
anchorHorAlign Enum “left” all Horizontal anchor position. (see horizontalAnchorPosition below) (2)
anchorHorOffset Integer 0 all Horizontal position offset (only used if anchorHorAlign is set to “offset”). (2)
anchorVertBase Enum “margin” all Vertical anchor mode. (see verticalAnchorMode below) (2)
anchorVertAlign Enum “top” all Vertical anchor position. (see verticalAnchorPosition below) (2)
anchorVertOffset Integer 0 all Vertical position offset (only used if anchorVertAlign is set to “offset”). (2)
anchorPageNumber Integer element In ODT documents, if the drawing is page anchored then this attribute specifies the page that is anchored to. This attribute is optional. (2)
anchorLayerOrder Integer 0 all Layer position (z-index)
anchorBehindDoc Boolean false all Layer position in behind text (true) or in front of text (false). this feature is not supported yet, but it is important for “anchorLayerOrder”
textWrapMode Enum “topAndBottom” all Text wrapping mode. (see textWrapModeType (2)
textWrapSide Enum “both” all Sides where text wraps around the drawing object (only used if textWrapMode is set to “square”, “tight”, or “through”). (see textWrapSideType) (2)








(1) Currently only borderTop is set if the drawing has the type “horizontal_line”.

(2) Attributes are only used if inline mode is false. The generic attributes left and top will not be used for drawing objects in text documents.

Drawing Attributes - General

The following attributes are supported by each drawing in each application regardless of the drawing type.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description Notes
left Integer 0 all The horizontal position of the drawing object in the drawing layer. (1)
top Integer 0 all The vertical position of the drawing object in the drawing layer. (1)
width Integer 0 all The width of the drawing object (independent from its contents). (1)
height Integer 0 all The height of the drawing object (independent from its contents). (1)
childLeft Integer 0 all Used with group shapes only, it specifies the most left child object (in the child coord system).
childTop Integer 0 all Used with group shapes only, it specifies the most top child object (in the child coord system).
childWidth Integer 0 all Used with group shapes only, it specifies the width of all child objects (in the child coord system).
childHeight Integer 0 all Used with group shapes only, it specifies the height of all child objects (in the child coord system).
coordWidth Integer width of object element The width of the virtual coordinate system inside the drawing object (used e.g. for positioning of drawing objects embedded in groups, or for polygon path definitions.
coordHeight Integer height of object element The height of the virtual coordinate system inside the drawing object (used e.g. for positioning of drawing objects embedded in groups, or for polygon path definitions.
name String ”” element The name of the drawing object.
description String ”” element A detailed description for the drawing object.
id String element Drawing id, used to identify drawing objects (needed for connector objects). If an id used then it has to be unique for the whole document. If the id is ommitted the filter will create it automatically when saving. In OOXML documents the id has to be convertible to Long.
replacementData String ”” element Image data used as replacement for the actual drawing contents. The string contains either Base64 encoded image data (a URL starting with 'data:'), or SVG mark-up (starting with '<svg').
flipH Boolean false element Whether the contents of the drawing object are flipped horizontally.
flipV Boolean false element Whether the contents of the drawing object are flipped vertically.
rotation Number 0 element The object rotation in degrees.
hidden Boolean false element Whether the drawing object is hidden.
aspectLocked Boolean false element Whether the aspect ratio of the drawing object is locked and cannot be changed when the drawing object will be resized.
noMove Boolean false element Whether it is forbidden to move the drawing.
noResize Boolean false element Whether it is forbidden to resize the drawing.
noSelect Boolean false element Whether it is forbidden to select the drawing.
noGroup Boolean false element Whether it is forbidden to group the drawing.
noRotation Boolean false element Whether it is forbidden to rotate the drawing.
minFrameHeight Integer 0 element Odf only, this property specifies the minimal height of text frames.


  1. Some of the generic position and size attributes may be overridden by application-specific attributes.

Embedded Drawing Attributes

The following attributes are supported by drawing objects embedded in other drawing objects.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
left Number 0 element The horizontal position of the drawing object in the parent object's virtual coordinate system (see attribute [coordWidth](#general_drawing_attributes) ).
top Number 0 element The vertical position of the drawing object in the parent object's virtual coordinate system (see attribute [coordHeight](#general_drawing_attributes) ).
width Number 0 element The width of the drawing object in the parent object's virtual coordinate system (see attribute [coordWidth](#general_drawing_attributes) ).
height Number 0 element The height of the drawing object in the parent object's virtual coordinate system (see attribute [coordHeight](#general_drawing_attributes) ).


Attribute type:fill

Drawing fill attributes will be applied to entire drawing objects embedded in the document, or to specific parts of a complex drawing object, e.g. to a data series or the legend in a chart object.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
type Enum “none” all The fill type (see drawingFillAttribute below)
color Color Color.AUTO all The primary fill color (used by the fill types “solid”, “gradient”, and “pattern”). If set to the automatic color, the effective fill color is dependent on the context (e.g. automatic fill colors for series in bar charts).
color2 Color Color.AUTO all The secondary fill color for gradients and patterns. If set to the automatic color, the effective fill color is dependent on this specific context.
gradient Gradient Gradient.LINEAR all The gradient fill properties. Only used if the attributes type is set to “gradient”. If set to the `auto` value, the effective gradient is dependent on other color fill values (e.g. default/auto `color` and `backgroundColor` values).
bitmap Bitmap none all The bitmap fill properties. Only used if the attributes type is set to “bitmap”.
pattern Enum Pattern “none” all The preset pattern identifier. Only used if the attributes type is set to “pattern”. The attributes color and backgroundColor determine the colors used for the pattern.



Attribute type:line

Drawing line attributes will be applied to entire drawing objects embedded in the document, or to specific parts of a complex drawing object, e.g. to a data series or the legend in a chart object.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
All fill attributes MUST also be supported as line attributes and will describe how to fill the outline polygons.
width Number 0 all The width of the line. A value of 0 hides the line.
style Enum “solid” all drawing line style (see drawingLineStyle)
headEndType Enum “none” all Specifies the head end of the line. (see drawingHeadEndType)
headEndLength Enum “medium” all Specifies the head end length of the line.(see drawingHeadEndLength)
headEndWidth Enum “medium” all Specifies the head end width of the line.(see drawingHeadEndType)
tailEndType Enum “none” all Specifies the tail end of the line.(see drawingTailEndType)
tailEndLength Enum “medium” all Specifies the tail end length of the line.(see drawingTailEndLength)
tailEndWidth Enum “medium” all Specifies the tail end width of the line.(see drawingTailEndWidth)


drawingHeadEndType, drawingTailEndType:

drawingHeadEndLength, drawingHeadEndWidth, drawingTailEndLength, drawingTailEndWidth:


Attribute type:text

Formatting attributes describing the source of the text contents of a drawing object or chart data series.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
link SourceLink [] element The constant text, or an application dependent link into the document.


Attribute type:image

Formatting attributes for images and OLE objects.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description Notes
imageUrl String "" element URL pointing to the image data. If the image is embedded in the document, the URL will be relative to the document (e.g. “images/img1.png”). (1)
imageData String "" element Image data. The string contains either Base64 image data, or SVG mark-up. If Base64 encoded image data is used, the string begins with “data:” otherwise if SVG is used it begins with ”svg”. (1)
cropLeft Number 0 all Cropping size on the left side of the bitmap. (2)
cropRight Number 0 all Cropping size on the right side of the bitmap. (2)
cropTop Number 0 all Cropping size on the upper side of the bitmap. (2)
cropBottom Number 0 all Cropping size on the lower side of the bitmap. (2)


(1) The attributes imageUrl and imageData are mutually exclusive.

(2) A value of 0 does not crop the bitmap, positive values will move the respective border of the bitmap outside the drawing frame, negative values will move the bitmap border inside the drawing frame. Cropping attributes are interpreted differently depending on the file format:


Attribute type:shape

Formatting attributes for shape objects.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
paddingLeft Number 250 all The inner left distance from border to text.
paddingRight Number 250 all The inner right distance from border to text.
paddingTop Number 125 all The inner top distance from border to text.
paddingBottom Number 125 all The inner bottom distance from border to text.
anchor Enum top element Specifies the vertical alignment of text inside of a text body. 'bottom', 'centered', 'distributed', 'justified' or 'top' is possible.
anchorCentered Boolean false element Specifies centering of the text box by determining the smallest possible bound box.
wordWrap Boolean true element Specifies if the text is word wrapped.
vert Enum horz element Specifies the text orientation. horz, vert, vert270, wordArtVert, eaVert, mongolianVert and wordArtVertRtl are possible values.
horzOverflow Enum overflow element Specifies if the text is allowed to flow out of the bounding box or if it cut. Possible values are 'overflow' or 'clip'.
vertOverflow Enum overflow element Specifies if the text is allowed to flow out of the bounding box or if it cut. Possible values are 'overflow', 'clip' or 'ellipsis'.
autoResizeHeight Boolean false all Whether the size of the shape shall be adapted to the text content. This is a choice together with autoResizeText.
autoResizeText Boolean false all Whether the fontsize of the text content shall be adapted to the shape height. This is a choice together with autoResizeHeight.
fontScale Number 1 all scales all text-font releative to their original font-size, only if autoResizeText is true
lineReduction Number 0 all reduces the distance between paragraphs relative to the original distance, only if autoResizeText is true


Attribute type:geometry

Geometry attributes for shape objects.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
presetShape String all The preset shape whose geometry should be used.
avList Object all adjustment values that are used
ahList Array<GeometryAdjustmentHandle> all list of adjustment handle specifications
cxnList Array<GeometryConnectionPoint> all specifies the connection point a connector can connect to.
gdList Array<GeometryGuide> all formulas that can be used
pathList Array<GeometryPath> all path list
textRect GeometryTextRect all a special text rect that has to be used for text, if omitted then the text rect is as big as the shape
hostData String all This attribute is used only in the filter for better roundtrip.


Attribute type:connector

Connector attributes for connector shapes.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
startId String ”” element Specifies the start shape the connector is connected to. If empty then the shape does not have a start connection.
startIndex Integer 0 element Specifies the point at the start shape the connector is connected to.
endId String ”” element Specifies the end shape the connector is connected to. If empty then the shape does not have a end connection.
endIndex Integer 0 element Specifies the point at the end shape the connector is connected to.


Attribute type:chart

Formatting attributes for entire chart objects.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
stacking Enum “standard” element Stacking type for charts of type “bar”, “column” and “area”. (see chartStackingType)
chartStyleId integer 0 element the ID for the auto-style. TODO define identifiers.
curved Boolean false element Whether the series lines in line charts are splines.
varyColors Boolean false element defines if the points of the first series are same color or not.
rotation integer 0 element defines rotation of an pie or donut.



Attribute type:series

Formatting attributes for data series in chart objects.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
typeString “bar” element chart type per series, for combination two chart types in one chart (line + bar, line + area, etc). (see supported chartType below)
title SourceLink [] element The data source of the title to be shown for the data series (for example in the chart legend).
values SourceLink [] element The data source of the values to be shown by the data series.
names SourceLink [] element The category names to be shown for the data series (usually shown as labels on the X axis).
bubbles SourceLink [] element The size of the bubble data points to be shown for the data series (for bubble charts only).
dataLabel Boolean false element Whether small labels are shown next to all data points.
format String ”” element optional number format code
axisXIndex Integer 0 element 0 = bottom axis, 1 = top axis
axisYIndex Integer 0 element 0 = left axis, 1 = right axis
dataPoints Array<ChartDataPointAttributeSet> [] element



Attribute type:axis

Formatting attributes for axes in chart objects.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
type Enum “value” element The type of the axis. (never used! Deprecated?) - chartAxisType
min Number String “auto” element The minimum value shown at the beginning of the axis. The special value “auto” will obtain the axis minimum according to the series data. Used by axes of type “value” and “date” only. (never used! Deprecated?)
max Number String “auto” element The maximum value shown at the end of the axis. The special value “auto” will obtain the axis maximum according to the series data. Used by axes of type “value” and “date” only. (never used! Deprecated?)
label Boolean false element Whether the axis labels are visible.



Attribute type:legend Formatting attributes for the legend in chart objects.

Attribute Data Type Default Value Scope Description
pos Enum “off” element The position of the legend in the chart area. chartPostion


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