All Classes and Interfaces
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument element <manifest:algorithm>.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:algorithm-name.
The value set of @manifest:algorithm-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:animateColor>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:animate>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:animateMotion>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:animateTransform>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:audio>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:audio-level.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:color-interpolation.
The value set of @anim:color-interpolation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:color-interpolation-direction.
The value set of @anim:color-interpolation-direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:command.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:command>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:formula.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:iterate>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:iterate-interval.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:iterate-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:param>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:par>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:seq>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:set>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:sub-item.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <anim:transitionFilter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @anim:value.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type anyURI
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type base64Binary
This is a sub class of
, which is used to extract metadata from
<text:bookmark-start> to <text:bookmark-end> pair.This class is used to provide the string builder functions to extractor.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type cellAddress
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type cellRangeAddress
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type cellRangeAddressList
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:angle-offset.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:attached-axis.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:automatic-content.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:auto-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:auto-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:axis>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:axis-label-position.
The value set of @chart:axis-label-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:axis-position.
The value set of @chart:axis-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:categories>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:chart>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:class.
The value set of @chart:class.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:column-mapping.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:connect-bars.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:data-label>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:data-label-number.
The value set of @chart:data-label-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:data-label-symbol.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:data-label-text.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:data-point>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:data-source-has-labels.
The value set of @chart:data-source-has-labels.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:deep.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:dimension.
The value set of @chart:dimension.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:display-equation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:display-label.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:display-r-square.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:domain>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:equation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:error-category.
The value set of @chart:error-category.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:error-indicator>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:error-lower-indicator.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:error-lower-limit.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:error-lower-range.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:error-margin.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:error-percentage.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:error-upper-indicator.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:error-upper-limit.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:error-upper-range.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:floor>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:footer>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:gap-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:grid>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:group-bars-per-axis.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:hole-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:include-hidden-cells.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:interpolation.
The value set of @chart:interpolation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:interval-major.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:interval-minor-divisor.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:japanese-candle-stick.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:label-arrangement.
The value set of @chart:label-arrangement.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:label-cell-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:label-position.
The value set of @chart:label-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:label-position-negative.
The value set of @chart:label-position-negative.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:label-separator>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:legend-align.
The value set of @chart:legend-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:legend>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:legend-position.
The value set of @chart:legend-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:lines.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:link-data-style-to-source.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:logarithmic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:maximum.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:mean-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:mean-value>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:minimum.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:origin.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:overlap.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:percentage.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:pie-offset.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:plot-area>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:regression-curve>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:regression-type.
The value set of @chart:regression-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:repeated.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:reverse-direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:right-angled-axes.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:row-mapping.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:scale-text.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:series>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:series-source.
The value set of @chart:series-source.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:solid-type.
The value set of @chart:solid-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:sort-by-x-values.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:spline-order.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:spline-resolution.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:stacked.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:stock-gain-marker>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:stock-loss-marker>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:stock-range-line>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:subtitle>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:symbol-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:symbol-image>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:symbol-name.
The value set of @chart:symbol-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:symbol-type.
The value set of @chart:symbol-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:symbol-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:text-overlap.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:three-dimensional.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:tick-mark-position.
The value set of @chart:tick-mark-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:tick-marks-major-inner.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:tick-marks-major-outer.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:tick-marks-minor-inner.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:tick-marks-minor-outer.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:title>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:treat-empty-cells.
The value set of @chart:treat-empty-cells.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:values-cell-range-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:vertical.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @chart:visible.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <chart:wall>.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:checksum.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:checksum-type.
The value set of @manifest:checksum-type.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type clipShape
This collaboration document embraces an ODF document ad
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type color See W3C CSS specification for
further details.
The component is a logical modular entity, to abstract from the implementation details of the
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <config:config-item>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <config:config-item-map-entry>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <config:config-item-map-indexed>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <config:config-item-map-named>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <config:config-item-set>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @config:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @config:type.
The value set of @config:type.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type coordinate
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type countryCode
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type CURIE
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type CURIEs
interface of styles that represent the different number formats that are referenced from
styles/auto styles with the data-style-name attribute
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type date Details of
the type can be found in the W3C XML Schema
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type dateOrDateTime
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type dateTime
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:additional-column-statement.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:append-table-alias-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:application-connection-settings>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:apply-command.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:as-template.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:auto-increment>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:base-dn.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:boolean-comparison-mode.
The value set of @db:boolean-comparison-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:catalog-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:character-set>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:column-definition>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:column-definitions>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:column>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:columns>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:command.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:component-collection>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:component>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:connection-data>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:connection-resource>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:database-description>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:database-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:data-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:data-source-setting>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:data-source-setting-is-list.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:data-source-setting-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:data-source-settings>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:data-source-setting-type.
The value set of @db:data-source-setting-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:data-source-setting-value>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:data-type.
The value set of @db:data-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:decimal.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:default-cell-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:default-row-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:delete-rule.
The value set of @db:delete-rule.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:delimiter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:description.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:driver-settings>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:enable-sql92-check.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:encoding.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:escape-processing.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:extension.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:field.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:file-based-database>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:filter-statement>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:forms>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:hostname.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:ignore-driver-privileges.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:index-column>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:index-columns>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:index>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:indices>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:is-ascending.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:is-autoincrement.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:is-clustered.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:is-empty-allowed.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:is-first-row-header-line.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:is-nullable.
The value set of @db:is-nullable.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:is-password-required.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:is-table-name-length-limited.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:is-unique.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:key-column>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:key-columns>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:key>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:keys>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:local-socket.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:login>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:login-timeout.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:max-row-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:media-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:order-statement>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:parameter-name-substitution.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:port.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:precision.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:queries>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:query-collection>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:query>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:referenced-table-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:related-column-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:reports>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:row-retrieving-statement.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:scale.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:schema-definition>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:schema-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:server-database>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:show-deleted.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:string.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:suppress-version-columns.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:system-driver-settings.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-definition>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-definitions>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-exclude-filter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-filter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-filter-pattern>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-include-filter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-representation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-representations>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-setting>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-settings>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-type>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:table-type-filter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:thousand.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:title.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:type.
The value set of @db:type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:type-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:update-rule.
The value set of @db:update-rule.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <db:update-table>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:use-catalog.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:user-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:use-system-user.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @db:visible.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dc:creator>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dc:date>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dc:description>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dc:language>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dc:subject>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dc:title>.
A default visitor for DOM layer elements.
Warnings and errors of the ODF input document are being registered here without breaking the load process.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type distance
Data signature implementation of OpenDocument element <dsig:document-signatures>.
Simple wrapper class for NamedNodeMap as Attributes
A RDFa parser for DOM
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:ambient-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:backface-culling.
The value set of @dr3d:backface-culling.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:back-scale.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:center.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:close-back.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:close-front.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dr3d:cube>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:depth.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:diffuse-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:distance.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:edge-rounding.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:edge-rounding-mode.
The value set of @dr3d:edge-rounding-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:emissive-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:enabled.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:end-angle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dr3d:extrude>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:focal-length.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:horizontal-segments.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dr3d:light>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:lighting-mode.
The value set of @dr3d:lighting-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:max-edge.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:min-edge.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:normals-direction.
The value set of @dr3d:normals-direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:normals-kind.
The value set of @dr3d:normals-kind.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:projection.
The value set of @dr3d:projection.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dr3d:rotate>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dr3d:scene>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:shade-mode.
The value set of @dr3d:shade-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:shadow.
The value set of @dr3d:shadow.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:shadow-slant.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:shininess.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:specular.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:specular-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <dr3d:sphere>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:texture-filter.
The value set of @dr3d:texture-filter.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:texture-generation-mode-x.
The value set of @dr3d:texture-generation-mode-x.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:texture-generation-mode-y.
The value set of @dr3d:texture-generation-mode-y.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:texture-kind.
The value set of @dr3d:texture-kind.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:texture-mode.
The value set of @dr3d:texture-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:transform.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:vertical-segments.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:vpn.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:vrp.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dr3d:vup.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:a>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:align.
The value set of @draw:align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:angle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:applet>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:archive.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:area-circle>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:area-polygon>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:area-rectangle>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:auto-grow-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:auto-grow-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:background-size.
The value set of @draw:background-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:blue.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:border.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-angle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-angle-type.
The value set of @draw:caption-angle-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:caption>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-escape.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-escape-direction.
The value set of @draw:caption-escape-direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-fit-line-length.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-gap.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-line-length.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-point-x.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-point-y.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:caption-type.
The value set of @draw:caption-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:chain-next-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:circle>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:class-id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:class-names.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:code.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:color-inversion.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:color-mode.
The value set of @draw:color-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:concave.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:concentric-gradient-fill-allowed.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:connector>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:contour-path>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:contour-polygon>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:contrast.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:control.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:control>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:copy-of.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:corner-radius.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:corners.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:custom-shape>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:cx.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:cy.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:data.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:decimal-places.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:display.
The value set of @draw:display.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:display-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:distance.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:dots1.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:dots1-length.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:dots2.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:dots2-length.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:draw-aspect.
The value set of @draw:draw-aspect.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:ellipse>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:end-angle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:end.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:end-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:end-glue-point.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:end-guide.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:end-intensity.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:end-line-spacing-horizontal.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:end-line-spacing-vertical.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:end-shape.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:engine.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:enhanced-geometry>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:enhanced-path.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:equation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:escape-direction.
The value set of @draw:escape-direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-allowed.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-brightness.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-depth.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-diffusion.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-first-light-direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-first-light-harsh.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-first-light-level.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-light-face.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-metal.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-number-of-line-segments.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-origin.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-rotation-angle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-rotation-center.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-second-light-direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-second-light-harsh.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-second-light-level.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-shininess.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-skew.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-specularity.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:extrusion-viewpoint.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill.
The value set of @draw:fill.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-gradient-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-hatch-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-hatch-solid.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:fill-image>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-image-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-image-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-image-ref-point.
The value set of @draw:fill-image-ref-point.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-image-ref-point-x.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-image-ref-point-y.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fill-image-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:filter-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fit-to-contour.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:fit-to-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:floating-frame>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:formula.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:frame-display-border.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:frame-display-scrollbar.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:frame>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:frame-margin-horizontal.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:frame-margin-vertical.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:frame-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:gamma.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:g>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:glue-point>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:glue-point-leaving-directions.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:glue-points.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:glue-point-type.
The value set of @draw:glue-point-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:gradient>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:gradient-step-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:green.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:guide-distance.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:guide-overhang.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:handle>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-mirror-horizontal.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-mirror-vertical.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-polar.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-radius-range-maximum.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-radius-range-minimum.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-range-x-maximum.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-range-x-minimum.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-range-y-maximum.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-range-y-minimum.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:handle-switched.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:hatch>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:image>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:image-map>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:image-opacity.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:kind.
The value set of @draw:kind.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:layer.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:layer>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:layer-set>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:line-distance.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:line>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:line-skew.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:luminance.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:marker>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:marker-end.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:marker-end-center.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:marker-end-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:marker-start.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:marker-start-center.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:marker-start-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:master-page-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:may-script.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:measure-align.
The value set of @draw:measure-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:measure>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:measure-vertical-align.
The value set of @draw:measure-vertical-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:mime-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:mirror-horizontal.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:mirror-vertical.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:modifiers.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:nav-order.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:nohref.
The value set of @draw:nohref.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:object.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:object>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:object-ole>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:ole-draw-aspect.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:opacity.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:opacity>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:opacity-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:page>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:page-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:page-thumbnail>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:parallel.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:param>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:path>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:path-stretchpoint-x.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:path-stretchpoint-y.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:placing.
The value set of @draw:placing.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:plugin>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:points.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:polygon>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:polyline>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:protected.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:recreate-on-edit.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:rect>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:red.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:regular-polygon>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:rotation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:secondary-fill-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:shadow.
The value set of @draw:shadow.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:shadow-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:shadow-offset-x.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:shadow-offset-y.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:shadow-opacity.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument base element
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:shape-id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:sharpness.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:show-unit.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:start-angle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:start.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:start-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:start-glue-point.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:start-guide.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:start-intensity.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:start-line-spacing-horizontal.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:start-line-spacing-vertical.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:start-shape.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:stroke.
The value set of @draw:stroke.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:stroke-dash.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:stroke-dash>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:stroke-dash-names.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:stroke-linejoin.
The value set of @draw:stroke-linejoin.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:style.
The value set of @draw:style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:symbol-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:textarea-horizontal-align.
The value set of @draw:textarea-horizontal-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:text-areas.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:textarea-vertical-align.
The value set of @draw:textarea-vertical-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <draw:text-box>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:text-path-allowed.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:text-path.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:text-path-mode.
The value set of @draw:text-path-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:text-path-same-letter-heights.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:text-path-scale.
The value set of @draw:text-path-scale.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:text-rotate-angle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:text-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:tile-repeat-offset.
The value set of @draw:tile-repeat-offset.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:transform.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:type.
The value set of @draw:type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:unit.
The value set of @draw:unit.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:visible-area-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:visible-area-left.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:visible-area-top.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:visible-area-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:wrap-influence-on-position.
The value set of @draw:wrap-influence-on-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @draw:z-index.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type duration
An interface to visit every odf element, according to Visitor design pattern
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument element <manifest:encryption-data>.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument element <manifest:file-entry>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:background-color.
The value set of @fo:background-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:border.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:border-bottom.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:border-left.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:border-right.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:border-top.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:break-after.
The value set of @fo:break-after.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:break-before.
The value set of @fo:break-before.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:clip.
The value set of @fo:clip.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:column-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:column-gap.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:country.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:end-indent.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:font-family.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:font-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:font-style.
The value set of @fo:font-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:font-variant.
The value set of @fo:font-variant.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:font-weight.
The value set of @fo:font-weight.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:hyphenate.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:hyphenation-keep.
The value set of @fo:hyphenation-keep.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:hyphenation-ladder-count.
The value set of @fo:hyphenation-ladder-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:hyphenation-push-char-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:hyphenation-remain-char-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:keep-together.
The value set of @fo:keep-together.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:keep-with-next.
The value set of @fo:keep-with-next.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:language.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:letter-spacing.
The value set of @fo:letter-spacing.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:line-height.
The value set of @fo:line-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:margin.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:margin-bottom.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:margin-left.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:margin-right.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:margin-top.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:max-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:max-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:min-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:min-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:orphans.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:padding.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:padding-bottom.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:padding-left.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:padding-right.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:padding-top.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:page-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:page-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:allow-deletes.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:allow-inserts.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:allow-updates.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:apply-design-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:apply-filter.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:auto-complete.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:automatic-focus.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:bound-column.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:button>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:button-type.
The value set of @form:button-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:checkbox>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:column>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:combobox>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:command.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:command-type.
The value set of @form:command-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:connection-resource>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:control-implementation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:convert-empty-to-null.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:current-selected.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:current-state.
The value set of @form:current-state.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:current-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:data-field.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:datasource.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:date>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:default-button.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:delay-for-repeat.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:detail-fields.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:disabled.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:dropdown.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:echo-char.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:enctype.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:escape-processing.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:file>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:filter.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:fixed-text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:focus-on-click.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:for.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:formatted-text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:form>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:frame>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:generic-control>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:grid>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:hidden>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:ignore-result.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:image-align.
The value set of @form:image-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:image-data.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:image>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:image-frame>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:image-position.
The value set of @form:image-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:is-tristate.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:item>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:label.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:linked-cell.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:listbox>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:list-linkage-type.
The value set of @form:list-linkage-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:list-property>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:list-source.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:list-source-type.
The value set of @form:list-source-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:list-value>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:master-fields.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:max-length.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:max-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:method.
The value set of @form:method.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:min-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:multi-line.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:multiple.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:navigation-mode.
The value set of @form:navigation-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:number>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:option>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:order.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:orientation.
The value set of @form:orientation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:page-step-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:password>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:printable.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:property>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:property-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:radio>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:readonly.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:repeat.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:selected.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:source-cell-range.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:spin-button.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:state.
The value set of @form:state.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:step-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:tab-cycle.
The value set of @form:tab-cycle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:tab-index.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:tab-stop.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:textarea>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:text-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:time>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:title.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:toggle.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type formula
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:validation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <form:value-range>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:visual-effect.
The value set of @form:visual-effect.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:xforms-list-source.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @form:xforms-submission.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:script.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:space-after.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:space-before.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:start-indent.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:text-align.
The value set of @fo:text-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:text-align-last.
The value set of @fo:text-align-last.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:text-indent.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:text-shadow.
The value set of @fo:text-shadow.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:text-transform.
The value set of @fo:text-transform.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:widows.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @fo:wrap-option.
The value set of @fo:wrap-option.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:full-path.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @grddl:transformation.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type ID
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type IDREF
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type IDREFS
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:initialisation-vector.
Thrown to indicate that the navigation operation can not be processed on selections
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:iteration-count.
Provides metadata about the ODFDOM library as build date, version number.
To cache the Jena RDF triples parsed from RDFaParser
ToDo: Is it more flexible to build a different queue for OperationQueue and create an JSON
Normalizes the content of JSONObject to make it comparable.
ToDo: Is it more flexible to build a different queue for OperationQueue and create an JSON
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument element <manifest:key-derivation>.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:key-derivation-name.
The value set of @manifest:key-derivation-name.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:key-size.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type language
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type languageCode
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type {
Measurement units for ODF datatype length
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument element <manifest:manifest>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <math:math>.
MediaType represens the mediatype or MIMETYPE of the file/document.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:media-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:auto-reload>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:cell-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:character-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:creation-date>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:date.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:date-string>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:delay.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:document-statistic>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:draw-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:editing-cycles>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:editing-duration>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:frame-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:generator>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:hyperlink-behaviour>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:image-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:initial-creator>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:keyword>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:non-whitespace-character-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:object-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:ole-object-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:page-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:paragraph-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:print-date>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:printed-by>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:row-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:sentence-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:syllable-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:table-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <meta:user-defined>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:value-type.
The value set of @meta:value-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @meta:word-count.
A proxy for delegating the parsing events to its sub ContentHandler(s).
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type namespacedToken
The NamespaceName interface is being used to provide an easy way to define Namespaces in a higher
layer (e.g. via enum as OdfDocumentNamespace) and access them from a lower layer e.g.
Abstract class Navigation used to navigate the document and find the matched element by the user
defined conditions
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type NCName
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type nonNegativeDecimal
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type nonNegativeInteger
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type nonNegativeLength
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type nonNegativePixelLength
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:am-pm>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:automatic-order.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:boolean>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:boolean-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:calendar.
The value set of @number:calendar.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:country.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:currency-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:currency-symbol>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument base element
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:date-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:day>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:day-of-week>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:decimal-places.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:decimal-replacement.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:denominator-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:display-factor.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:embedded-text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:era>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:format-source.
The value set of @number:format-source.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:fraction>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:grouping.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:hours>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:language.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:min-denominator-digits.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:min-exponent-digits.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:min-integer-digits.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:min-numerator-digits.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:minutes>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:month>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:number>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:number-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:percentage-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:possessive-form.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:quarter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:rfc-language-tag.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:scientific-number>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:script.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:seconds>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:style.
The value set of @number:style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:text-content>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:text-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:textual.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:time-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:title.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:transliteration-country.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:transliteration-format.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:transliteration-language.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:transliteration-style.
The value set of @number:transliteration-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @number:truncate-on-overflow.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:week-of-year>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <number:year>.
Any attribute within the ODF package that is listed in the ODF schema.
Any element within the ODF package that is listed in the ODF schema.
Base class for all attributes of the OpenDocument format
This class represents an empty ODF document , which will be in general embedded in an existing
ODF (Spreadsheet) document.
This enum contains all possible media types of OdfChartDocument documents.
Overwriting the DOM methods for element access, whenever a new ODF element was added triggering
and when removed a onOdfNodeRemoved.
.The DOM representation of the ODF content.xml file of an ODF document.
Base class for an XML stream that contains document content, i.e., styles.xml or content.xml.
An interface marking a data type to be used as an ODF datatype
This ODF document decryption exception.
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
This abstract class is representing one of the possible ODF documents.
This enum contains all possible media types of OpenDocument documents.
Unicode characters are in general divided by office applications into three different groups.
Namespaces of OpenDocument 1.2 XML Schema
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
It's a sub class of OdfTextExtractor.
An interface marking a data type to be used in an ODF field
The DOM representation of an XML file within the ODF document.
This class represents an empty ODF graphics document.
This enum contains all possible media types of OdfGraphicsDocument documents.
This class represents an ODF image document.
This enum contains all possible media types of OdfImageDocument documents.
The DOM representation of the ODF manifest.xml file of an ODF document.
feature specifies whether the document is reloaded or replaced by
another document after a certain period of time has elapsed.OdfMetaDocumentStatistic
feature specifies the statistics about the document.The DOM representation of the ODF meta.xml file of an ODF document.
feature specifies default behavior of hyperlinks in the
current document.OdfMetaTemplate
feature specified the URL for the document that was used to create a
document.The class provides a simplified interface for XML names.
Class wrapping the XML Namespace URI and XML Namespace prefix (used by default) as a single
entity For instance, the ODF paragraph element <text:p> uses by default in the ODF specification
the prefix "text" and is bound to this prefix heres
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
represent the meta data feature in the ODF document.Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
OdfPackage represents the package view to an OpenDocument document.
This class is used for validation of the ODF Package.
The package layer described by the ODF 1.2 Package specification is independent of the above ODF
XML layer described by the ODF 1.2 XML Schema specification.
Helper class to receive an ODF document template for new documents from the environment (ie.
Namespaces of OpenDocument 1.2 XML Package Schema
This class represents an empty ODF presentation.
This enum contains all possible media types of OdfPresentationDocument documents.
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
This class is used for validation of the ODF Document.
A document in ODF is from the package view a directory with a media type.
This enum contains all possible standardized XML ODF files of the OpenDocument document.
The DOM representation of the ODF Settings.xml file of an ODF document.
represents the presentation slide feature of the ODF document.A slide layout is a slide with some predefine placeholder.
This class represents an empty ODF spreadsheet document.
This enum contains all possible media types of OdfSpreadsheetDocument documents.
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
This class decides upon the shape style attribute, whether the style family is of type 'graphic'
or 'presentation'.
A placeholder for multiple style incarnation, for instance <style:style> from either the
automatic or the template styles parent, e.g.
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Base class for those ODF element having several ODF style attributes.
Class to represent a odf style attribut.
Implements shared functions for OdfAutomaticStyles and OdfStyles.
The DOM representation of the ODF styles.xml file of an ODF document.
OdfTable represents the table feature in ODF spreadsheet and text documents.
OdfTableCell represents table cell feature in ODF document.
OdfTableCellRange represent a rang of cells that are adjacent with each other
OdfTableColumn represents table column feature in ODF document.
OdfTableRow represents table row feature in ODF document.
This class represents an empty ODF text document.
This enum contains all possible media types of OdfSpreadsheetDocument documents.
It's a sub class of DefaultElementVisitor.
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionalty for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
Convenient functionality for the parent ODF OpenDocument element
This ODF specific validation excpetion faciliates the usage of a SAXParseException for none XML
validation, used by an
.It's a tool class to help process white space.
This factory determines what elements are being used in the DOC layer (i.e. the convenient
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:annotation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:annotation-end>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:automatic-styles>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:automatic-update.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:binary-data>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:body>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:boolean-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:change-info>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:chart>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:conversion-mode.
The value set of @office:conversion-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:currency.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:database>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:date-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:dde-application.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:dde-item.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:dde-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:dde-topic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:display.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:document-content>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:document>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:document-meta>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:document-settings>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:document-styles>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:drawing>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:event-listeners>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:font-face-decls>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:forms>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:image>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:master-styles>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:meta>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:mimetype.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:presentation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:script>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:scripts>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:server-map.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:settings>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:spreadsheet>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:string-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:styles>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:target-frame.
The value set of @office:target-frame.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:target-frame-name.
The value set of @office:target-frame-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <office:text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:time-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:title.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:value-type.
The value set of @office:value-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @office:version.
The value set of @office:version.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type percent
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type point3D
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type points
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type positiveInteger
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type positiveLength
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:preferred-view-mode.
The value set of @manifest:preferred-view-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:action.
The value set of @presentation:action.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:animation-group>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:animations.
The value set of @presentation:animations.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:animations>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:background-objects-visible.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:background-visible.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:class.
The value set of @presentation:class.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:class-names.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:date-time-decl>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:date-time>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:delay.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:dim>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:direction.
The value set of @presentation:direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:display-date-time.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:display-footer.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:display-header.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:display-page-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:duration.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:effect.
The value set of @presentation:effect.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:endless.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:event-listener>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:footer-decl>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:footer>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:force-manual.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:full-screen.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:group-id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:header-decl>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:header>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:hide-shape>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:hide-text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:master-element.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:mouse-as-pen.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:mouse-visible.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:node-type.
The value set of @presentation:node-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:notes>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:object.
The value set of @presentation:object.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:pages.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:path-id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:pause.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:placeholder.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:placeholder>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:play>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:play-full.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:presentation-page-layout-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:preset-class.
The value set of @presentation:preset-class.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:preset-id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:preset-sub-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:settings>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:show.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:show>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:show-end-of-presentation-slide.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:show-logo.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:show-shape>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:show-text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <presentation:sound>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:source.
The value set of @presentation:source.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:speed.
The value set of @presentation:speed.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:start-page.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:start-scale.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:start-with-navigator.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:stay-on-top.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:transition-on-click.
The value set of @presentation:transition-on-click.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:transition-speed.
The value set of @presentation:transition-speed.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:transition-style.
The value set of @presentation:transition-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:transition-type.
The value set of @presentation:transition-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:use-date-time-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:use-footer-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:use-header-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:user-transformed.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:verb.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @presentation:visibility.
The value set of @presentation:visibility.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type relativeLength
A MultiCoomponent uses a single XML element to represent multiple components.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type SafeCURIE
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:salt.
A RDFa parser for SAX
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type scriptCode
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <script:event-listener>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @script:event-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @script:language.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @script:macro-name.
Abstract class Selection describe one of the matched results The selection can be recognized by
the container mElement, the start mIndex of the text content of this mElement and the text
The SelectionManager can manage all the selections that are returned to end users by a Navigation
The status of frames
Data signature implementation of OpenDocument element <ds:Signature>.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type signedZeroToHundredPercent
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:accelerate.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:accumulate.
The value set of @smil:accumulate.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:additive.
The value set of @smil:additive.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:attributeName.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:autoReverse.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:begin.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:by.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:calcMode.
The value set of @smil:calcMode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:decelerate.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:direction.
The value set of @smil:direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:dur.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:end.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:endsync.
The value set of @smil:endsync.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:fadeColor.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:fill.
The value set of @smil:fill.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:fillDefault.
The value set of @smil:fillDefault.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:from.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:keySplines.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:keyTimes.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:mode.
The value set of @smil:mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:repeatCount.
The value set of @smil:repeatCount.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:repeatDur.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:restart.
The value set of @smil:restart.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:restartDefault.
The value set of @smil:restartDefault.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:subtype.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:targetElement.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:to.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @smil:values.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument element <manifest:start-key-generation>.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:start-key-generation-name.
The value set of @manifest:start-key-generation-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:adjustment.
The value set of @style:adjustment.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:apply-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:auto-text-indent.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:auto-update.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:background-image>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:background-transparency.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:base-cell-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:border-line-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:border-line-width-bottom.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:border-line-width-left.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:border-line-width-right.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:border-line-width-top.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:cell-protect.
The value set of @style:cell-protect.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:char.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:chart-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:class.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:column>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:columns>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:column-sep>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:column-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:condition.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:country-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:country-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:data-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:decimal-places.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:default-outline-level.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:default-page-layout>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:default-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:diagonal-bl-tr.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:diagonal-bl-tr-widths.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:diagonal-tl-br.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:diagonal-tl-br-widths.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:direction.
The value set of @style:direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:display.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:display-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:distance-after-sep.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:distance.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:distance-before-sep.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:drawing-page-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:drop-cap>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:dynamic-spacing.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:editable.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:family.
The value set of @style:family.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:filter-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:first-page-number.
The value set of @style:first-page-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:flow-with-text.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-adornments.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-charset-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-charset.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-charset-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:font-face>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-family-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-family-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-family-generic-asian.
The value set of @style:font-family-generic-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-family-generic.
The value set of @style:font-family-generic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-family-generic-complex.
The value set of @style:font-family-generic-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-independent-line-spacing.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-name-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-name-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-pitch-asian.
The value set of @style:font-pitch-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-pitch.
The value set of @style:font-pitch.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-pitch-complex.
The value set of @style:font-pitch-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-relief.
The value set of @style:font-relief.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-size-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-size-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-size-rel-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-size-rel.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-size-rel-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-style-asian.
The value set of @style:font-style-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-style-complex.
The value set of @style:font-style-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-style-name-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-style-name-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-weight-asian.
The value set of @style:font-weight-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:font-weight-complex.
The value set of @style:font-weight-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:footer>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:footer-left>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:footer-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:footnote-max-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:footnote-sep>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:glyph-orientation-vertical.
The value set of @style:glyph-orientation-vertical.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:graphic-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:handout-master>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:header>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:header-footer-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:header-left>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:header-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:horizontal-pos.
The value set of @style:horizontal-pos.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:horizontal-rel.
The value set of @style:horizontal-rel.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:join-border.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:justify-single-word.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:language-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:language-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-base-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-base-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-display.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-lines.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-mode.
The value set of @style:layout-grid-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-print.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-ruby-below.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-ruby-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-snap-to.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:layout-grid-standard-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:leader-char.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:leader-color.
The value set of @style:leader-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:leader-style.
The value set of @style:leader-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:leader-text.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:leader-text-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:leader-type.
The value set of @style:leader-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:leader-width.
The value set of @style:leader-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:legend-expansion-aspect-ratio.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:legend-expansion.
The value set of @style:legend-expansion.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:length.
The value set of @style:length.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:letter-kerning.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:line-break.
The value set of @style:line-break.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:line-height-at-least.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:lines.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:line-spacing.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:line-style.
The value set of @style:line-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:list-level.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:list-level-label-alignment>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:list-level-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:list-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:map>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:master-page>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:master-page-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:may-break-between-rows.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:min-row-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:mirror.
The value set of @style:mirror.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type styleName
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:name.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type styleNameRef
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:next-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:number-wrapped-paragraphs.
The value set of @style:number-wrapped-paragraphs.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:num-format.
The value set of @style:num-format.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:num-letter-sync.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:num-prefix.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:num-suffix.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:overflow-behavior.
The value set of @style:overflow-behavior.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:page-layout>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:page-layout-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:page-layout-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:page-number.
The value set of @style:page-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:page-usage.
The value set of @style:page-usage.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:paper-tray-name.
The value set of @style:paper-tray-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:paragraph-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:parent-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:percentage-data-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:position.
The value set of @style:position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:presentation-page-layout>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:print.
The value set of @style:print.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:print-content.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:print-orientation.
The value set of @style:print-orientation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:print-page-order.
The value set of @style:print-page-order.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:protect.
The value set of @style:protect.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:punctuation-wrap.
The value set of @style:punctuation-wrap.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:region-center>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:region-left>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:region-right>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:register-true.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:register-truth-ref-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:rel-column-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:rel-height.
The value set of @style:rel-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:rel-width.
The value set of @style:rel-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:repeat.
The value set of @style:repeat.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:repeat-content.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:rfc-language-tag-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:rfc-language-tag.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:rfc-language-tag-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:rotation-align.
The value set of @style:rotation-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:rotation-angle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:row-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:ruby-align.
The value set of @style:ruby-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:ruby-position.
The value set of @style:ruby-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:ruby-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:run-through.
The value set of @style:run-through.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:scale-to.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:scale-to-pages.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:script-asian.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:script-complex.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:script-type.
The value set of @style:script-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:section-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:shadow.
The value set of @style:shadow.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:shrink-to-fit.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:snap-to-layout-grid.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:style.
The value set of @style:style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:table-cell-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:table-centering.
The value set of @style:table-centering.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:table-column-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:table-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:table-row-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:tab-stop-distance.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:tab-stop>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:tab-stops>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-align-source.
The value set of @style:text-align-source.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-autospace.
The value set of @style:text-autospace.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-blinking.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-combine.
The value set of @style:text-combine.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-combine-end-char.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-combine-start-char.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-emphasize.
The value set of @style:text-emphasize.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-line-through-color.
The value set of @style:text-line-through-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-line-through-mode.
The value set of @style:text-line-through-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-line-through-style.
The value set of @style:text-line-through-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-line-through-text.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-line-through-text-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-line-through-type.
The value set of @style:text-line-through-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-line-through-width.
The value set of @style:text-line-through-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-outline.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-overline-color.
The value set of @style:text-overline-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-overline-mode.
The value set of @style:text-overline-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-overline-style.
The value set of @style:text-overline-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-overline-type.
The value set of @style:text-overline-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-overline-width.
The value set of @style:text-overline-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-position.
The value set of @style:text-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <style:text-properties>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-rotation-angle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-rotation-scale.
The value set of @style:text-rotation-scale.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-scale.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-underline-color.
The value set of @style:text-underline-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-underline-mode.
The value set of @style:text-underline-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-underline-style.
The value set of @style:text-underline-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-underline-type.
The value set of @style:text-underline-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:text-underline-width.
The value set of @style:text-underline-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:type.
The value set of @style:type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:use-optimal-column-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:use-optimal-row-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:use-window-font-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:vertical-align.
The value set of @style:vertical-align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:vertical-pos.
The value set of @style:vertical-pos.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:vertical-rel.
The value set of @style:vertical-rel.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:volatile.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:wrap.
The value set of @style:wrap.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:wrap-contour.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:wrap-contour-mode.
The value set of @style:wrap-contour-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:wrap-dynamic-threshold.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:writing-mode.
The value set of @style:writing-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @style:writing-mode-automatic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:accent-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:alphabetic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:ascent.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:bbox.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:cap-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:cx.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:cy.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:d.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:definition-src>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:desc>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:descent.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:fill-rule.
The value set of @svg:fill-rule.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:font-face-format>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:font-face-name>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:font-face-src>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:font-face-uri>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:font-family.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:font-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:font-stretch.
The value set of @svg:font-stretch.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:font-style.
The value set of @svg:font-style.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:font-variant.
The value set of @svg:font-variant.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:font-weight.
The value set of @svg:font-weight.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:fx.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:fy.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:gradientTransform.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:gradientUnits.
The value set of @svg:gradientUnits.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:hanging.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:ideographic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:linearGradient>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:mathematical.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:offset.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:origin.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:overline-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:overline-thickness.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:panose-1.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:path.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:radialGradient>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:r.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:rx.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:ry.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:slope.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:spreadMethod.
The value set of @svg:spreadMethod.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:stemh.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:stemv.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:stop-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:stop>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:stop-opacity.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:strikethrough-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:strikethrough-thickness.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:string.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:stroke-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:stroke-linecap.
The value set of @svg:stroke-linecap.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:stroke-opacity.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:stroke-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <svg:title>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:type.
The value set of @svg:type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:underline-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:underline-thickness.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:unicode-range.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:units-per-em.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:v-alphabetic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:v-hanging.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:v-ideographic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:viewBox.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:v-mathematical.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:widths.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:x1.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:x2.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:x.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:x-height.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:y1.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:y2.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @svg:y.
A MultiCoomponent uses a single XML element to represent multiple components.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:acceptance-state.
The value set of @table:acceptance-state.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:add-empty-lines.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:algorithm.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:align.
The value set of @table:align.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:allow-empty-cell.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:application-data.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:automatic-find-labels.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:background>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:base-cell-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:bind-styles-to-content.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:body>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:border-color.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:border-model.
The value set of @table:border-model.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:buttons.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:calculation-settings>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:case-sensitive.
The value set of @table:case-sensitive.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:cell-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:cell-address>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:cell-content-change>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:cell-content-deletion>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:cell-range-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:cell-range.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:cell-range-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:change-deletion>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:change-track-table-cell>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:column.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:comment.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:condition.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:condition-source.
The value set of @table:condition-source.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:condition-source-range-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:consolidation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:contains-error.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:contains-header.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:content-validation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:content-validation-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:content-validations>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:copy-back.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:copy-formulas.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:copy-styles.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:country.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:covered-table-cell>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:cut-offs>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:database-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:database-range>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:database-ranges>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:database-source-query>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:database-source-sql>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:database-source-table>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:database-table-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:data-cell-range-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:data-field.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-display-info>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-field>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-field-reference>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-group>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-group-member>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-groups>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-layout-info>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-level>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-member>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-members>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-sort-info>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-subtotal>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-subtotals>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-table>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:data-pilot-tables>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:data-type.
The value set of @table:data-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:date-end.
The value set of @table:date-end.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:date-start.
The value set of @table:date-start.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:date-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:dde-link>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:dde-links>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:default-cell-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:deletion>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:deletions>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:dependencies>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:dependency>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:desc>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:detective>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:direction.
The value set of @table:direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:display.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:display-border.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:display-duplicates.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:display-filter-buttons.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:display-list.
The value set of @table:display-list.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:display-member-mode.
The value set of @table:display-member-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:drill-down-on-double-click.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:embedded-number-behavior.
The value set of @table:embedded-number-behavior.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:enabled.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:end.
The value set of @table:end.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:end-cell-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:end-column.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:end-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:end-row.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:end-table.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:end-x.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:end-y.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:error-macro>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:error-message>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:even-columns>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:even-rows>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:execute.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:expression.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:field-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:field-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:filter-and>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:filter-condition>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:filter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:filter-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:filter-options.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:filter-or>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:filter-set-item>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:first-column>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:first-row>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:first-row-end-column.
The value set of @table:first-row-end-column.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:first-row-start-column.
The value set of @table:first-row-start-column.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:formula.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:function.
The value set of @table:function.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:grand-total.
The value set of @table:grand-total.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:group-by-field-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:grouped-by.
The value set of @table:grouped-by.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:has-persistent-data.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:help-message>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:highlighted-range>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:identify-categories.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:ignore-empty-rows.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:index.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:insertion-cut-off>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:insertion>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:is-active.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:is-data-layout-field.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:is-selection.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:is-sub-table.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:iteration>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:label-cell-range-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:label-range>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:label-ranges>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:language.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:last-column>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:last-column-spanned.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:last-row>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:last-row-end-column.
The value set of @table:last-row-end-column.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:last-row-spanned.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:last-row-start-column.
The value set of @table:last-row-start-column.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:layout-mode.
The value set of @table:layout-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:link-to-source-data.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:marked-invalid.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:matrix-covered.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:maximum-difference.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:member-count.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:member-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:member-type.
The value set of @table:member-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:message-type.
The value set of @table:message-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:mode.
The value set of @table:mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:movement-cut-off>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:movement>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:multi-deletion-spanned.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:name.
The value set of @table:name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:named-expression>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:named-expressions>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:named-range>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:null-date>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:null-year.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:number-columns-repeated.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:number-columns-spanned.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:number-matrix-columns-spanned.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:number-matrix-rows-spanned.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:number-rows-repeated.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:number-rows-spanned.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:object-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:odd-columns>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:odd-rows>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:on-update-keep-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:on-update-keep-styles.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:operation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:operator.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:order.
The value set of @table:order.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:orientation.
The value set of @table:orientation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:page-breaks-on-group-change.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:paragraph-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:parse-sql-statement.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:password.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:precision-as-shown.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:previous>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:print.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:print-ranges.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:protect.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:protected.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:protection-key.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:protection-key-digest-algorithm.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:query-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:range-usable-as.
The value set of @table:range-usable-as.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:refresh-delay.
The value set of @table:refresh-delay.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:rejecting-change-id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:rfc-language-tag.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:row.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:scenario>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:scenario-ranges.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:script.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:search-criteria-must-apply-to-whole-cell.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:selected-page.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:shapes>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:show-details.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:show-empty.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:show-filter-button.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:sort-by>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:sort>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:sort-groups>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:sort-mode.
The value set of @table:sort-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:source-cell-range-addresses.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:source-cell-range>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:source-field-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:source-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:source-range-address>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:source-service>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:sql-statement.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:start.
The value set of @table:start.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:start-column.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:start-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:start-row.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:start-table.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:status.
The value set of @table:status.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:step.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:steps.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:structure-protected.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:subtotal-field>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:subtotal-rule>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:subtotal-rules>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:table.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:table-background.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-cell>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument base element
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-column>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-column-group>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-columns>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-header-columns>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-header-rows>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:table-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-row>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-row-group>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-rows>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:table-template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:target-cell-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:target-range-address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:target-range-address>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:template-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:title.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:title>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:track-changes.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <table:tracked-changes>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:type.
The value set of @table:type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:use-banding-columns-styles.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:use-banding-rows-styles.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:used-hierarchy.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:use-first-column-styles.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:use-first-row-styles.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:use-labels.
The value set of @table:use-labels.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:use-last-column-styles.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:use-last-row-styles.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:use-regular-expressions.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:user-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:use-wildcards.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:value-type.
The value set of @table:value-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @table:visibility.
The value set of @table:visibility.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type targetFrameName
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:active.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:address.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:a>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:alphabetical-index>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:alphabetical-index-entry-template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:alphabetical-index-mark>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:alphabetical-index-mark-end>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:alphabetical-index-mark-start>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:alphabetical-index-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:alphabetical-separators.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:anchor-page-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:anchor-type.
The value set of @text:anchor-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:animation.
The value set of @text:animation.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:animation-delay.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:animation-direction.
The value set of @text:animation-direction.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:animation-repeat.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:animation-start-inside.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:animation-steps.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:animation-stop-inside.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:annote.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:author.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:author-initials>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:author-name>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:bibliography-configuration>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:bibliography-data-field.
The value set of @text:bibliography-data-field.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:bibliography>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:bibliography-entry-template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:bibliography-mark>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:bibliography-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:bibliography-type.
The value set of @text:bibliography-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:bookmark>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:bookmark-end>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:bookmark-ref>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:bookmark-start>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:booktitle.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:bullet-char.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:bullet-relative-size.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:capitalize-entries.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:caption-sequence-format.
The value set of @text:caption-sequence-format.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:caption-sequence-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:c.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:changed-region>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:change>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:change-end>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:change-id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:change-start>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:chapter.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:chapter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:character-count>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:citation-body-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:citation-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:class-names.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:column-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:combine-entries.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:combine-entries-with-dash.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:combine-entries-with-pp.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:comma-separated.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:conditional-text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:condition.
The value set of @text:condition.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:cond-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:connection-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:consecutive-numbering.
This container can be used for components including a mix of text and elements, where each
character and element are components.
DOM container to be used for all ODF elements containing "stylable text"
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:continue-list.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:continue-numbering.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:copy-outline-levels.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:count-empty-lines.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:count-in-text-boxes.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:creation-date>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:creation-time>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:creator>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:current-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:custom1.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:custom2.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:custom3.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:custom4.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:custom5.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:database-display>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:database-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:database-name>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:database-next>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:database-row-number>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:database-row-select>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:date-adjust.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:date>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:date-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:dde-connection-decl>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:dde-connection-decls>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:dde-connection>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:default-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:deletion>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:description.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:description>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:display.
The value set of @text:display.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:display-levels.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:display-outline-level.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:dont-balance-text-columns.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:duration.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:editing-cycles>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:editing-duration>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:edition.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:editor.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type textEncoding
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:execute-macro>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:expression>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:file-name>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:filter-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:fixed.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:footnotes-position.
The value set of @text:footnotes-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:format-change>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:formula.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:global.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:h>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:hidden-paragraph>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:hidden-text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:howpublished.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:identifier.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:ignore-case.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:illustration-index>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:illustration-index-entry-template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:illustration-index-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:image-count>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:increment.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-body>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-entry-bibliography>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-entry-chapter>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-entry-link-end>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-entry-link-start>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-entry-page-number>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-entry-span>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-entry-tab-stop>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-entry-text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:index-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:index-scope.
The value set of @text:index-scope.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-source-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-source-styles>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-title>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:index-title-template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:initial-creator>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:insertion>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:institution.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:isbn.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:is-hidden.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:is-list-header.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:issn.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:journal.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:key1.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:key1-phonetic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:key2.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:key2-phonetic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:key.
The value set of @text:key.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:keywords>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:kind.
The value set of @text:kind.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:label.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:label-followed-by.
The value set of @text:label-followed-by.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:level.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:line-break.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:line-break>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:line-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:linenumbering-configuration>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:linenumbering-separator>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:list>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:list-header>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:list-id.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:list-item>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:list-level-position-and-space-mode.
The value set of @text:list-level-position-and-space-mode.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:list-level-style-bullet>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument base element
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:list-level-style-image>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:list-level-style-number>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:list-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:list-tab-stop-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:main-entry.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:main-entry-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:master-page-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:measure>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:meta>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:meta-field>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:min-label-distance.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:min-label-width.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:modification-date>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:modification-time>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:month.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:name.
A derived Navigation class used for navigate the text content it is used to search the document
and find the matched text and would return TextSelection instance
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:note.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:note-body>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:note-citation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:note-class.
The value set of @text:note-class.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:note-continuation-notice-backward>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:note-continuation-notice-forward>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:note>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:note-ref>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:notes-configuration>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:numbered-entries.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:numbered-paragraph>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:number>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:number-lines.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:number-position.
The value set of @text:number-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:object-count>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:object-index>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:object-index-entry-template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:object-index-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:offset.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:organizations.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:outline-level.
The value set of @text:outline-level.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:outline-level-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:outline-style>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:page-adjust.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:page-continuation>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:page-count>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:page>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:page-number>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:pages.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:page-sequence>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:page-variable-get>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:page-variable-set>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:paragraph-count>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument base element
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:p>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:placeholder>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:placeholder-type.
The value set of @text:placeholder-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:prefix.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:print-date>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:printed-by>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:print-time>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:protected.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:protection-key.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:protection-key-digest-algorithm.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:publisher.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:reference-format.
The value set of @text:reference-format.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:reference-mark>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:reference-mark-end>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:reference-mark-start>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:reference-ref>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:ref-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:relative-tab-stop-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:report-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:restart-numbering.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:restart-on-page.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:row-number.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:ruby-base>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:ruby>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:ruby-text>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:school.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:script>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:section>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:section-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:section-source>.
A TextSelection can describe a sub element in a mParagraph element or a mHeading element. it is
recognized by the container element(which type should be OdfTextParagraph or OdfTextHeadingt),
the start index of the text content of the container element and the text content of this
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:select-page.
The value set of @text:select-page.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:s>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-city>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-company>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-country>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-email>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-fax>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-firstname>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-initials>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-lastname>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-phone-private>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-phone-work>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-position>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-postal-code>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-state-or-province>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-street>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sender-title>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:separation-character.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sequence-decl>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sequence-decls>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sequence>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sequence-ref>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:series.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sheet-name>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:soft-page-break>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:sort-algorithm.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:sort-ascending.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:sort-by-position.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:sort-key>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:space-before.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:span>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:start-numbering-at.
The value set of @text:start-numbering-at.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:start-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:string-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:string-value-if-false.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:string-value-if-true.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:string-value-phonetic.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:style-name.
A derived Navigation class used for navigate the mText content it is used to search the document
and find the matched style properties and would return TextSelection instance
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:style-override.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:subject>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:suffix.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:tab>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:table-count>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:table-formula>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:table-index>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:table-index-entry-template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:table-index-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:table-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:table-of-content>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:table-of-content-entry-template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:table-of-content-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:table-type.
The value set of @text:table-type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:tab-ref.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:template-name>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:text-input>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:time-adjust.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:time>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:time-value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:title.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:title>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:toc-mark>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:toc-mark-end>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:toc-mark-start>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:track-changes.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:tracked-changes>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:url.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-caption.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-chart-objects.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-draw-objects.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-floating-frames.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-graphics.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-index-marks.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-index-source-styles.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-keys-as-entries.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-math-objects.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-objects.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-other-objects.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-outline-level.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-defined>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-field-decl>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-field-decls>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-field-get>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-field-input>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-index>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-index-entry-template>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-index-mark>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-index-mark-end>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-index-mark-start>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:user-index-source>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-soft-page-breaks.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-spreadsheet-objects.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:use-tables.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:value.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:variable-decl>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:variable-decls>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:variable-get>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:variable-input>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:variable-set>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:visited-style-name.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:volume.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <text:word-count>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @text:year.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type time
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type timeOrDateTime
URIExtractor modified from net.rootdev.javardfa.uri.URIExtractor
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type URIorSafeCURIE
This value type stores either an anyURI or a SafeCURIE
is used to collect validation conditions and their return
messages in case not appliance (invalid condition).This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type valueType
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type vector3D
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @dsig:version.
Manifest implementation of OpenDocument attribute @manifest:version.
The value set of @dsig:version.
The value set of @manifest:version.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xforms:bind.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument element <xforms:model>.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xhtml:about.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xhtml:content.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xhtml:datatype.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xhtml:property.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xlink:actuate.
The value set of @xlink:actuate.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xlink:href.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xlink:show.
The value set of @xlink:show.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xlink:title.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xlink:type.
The value set of @xlink:type.
DOM implementation of OpenDocument attribute @xml:id.
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type zeroToHundredPercent
This class represents the in OpenDocument format used data type zeroToOneDecimal