Class OdfPackage

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

public class OdfPackage extends Object implements Closeable
OdfPackage represents the package view to an OpenDocument document. The OdfPackage will be created from an ODF document and represents a copy of the loaded document, where files can be inserted and deleted. The changes take effect, when the OdfPackage is being made persisted by save().
  • Method Details

    • freeMemory

      public void freeMemory()
    • loadPackage

      public static OdfPackage loadPackage(String path) throws SAXException, IOException
      Loads an OdfPackage from the given documentURL.

      OdfPackage relies on the file being available for read access over the whole life-cycle of OdfPackage.

      path - - the documentURL to the ODF package
      the OpenDocument document represented as an OdfPackage
      SAXException - if there's an XML- or validation-related error while loading the package
      IOException - if there's an I/O error while loading the package
    • loadPackage

      public static OdfPackage loadPackage(File pkgFile) throws SAXException, IOException
      Loads an OdfPackage from the OpenDocument provided by a File.

      OdfPackage relies on the file being available for read access over the whole life-cycle of OdfPackage.

      pkgFile - - the ODF Package
      the OpenDocument document represented as an OdfPackage
      SAXException - if there's an XML- or validation-related error while loading the package
      IOException - if there's an I/O error while loading the package
    • loadPackage

      public static OdfPackage loadPackage(InputStream packageStream) throws SAXException, IOException
      Creates an OdfPackage from the given InputStream.

      Since an InputStream does not provide the arbitrary (non sequential) read access needed by OdfPackage, the InputStream is cached. This usually takes more time compared to the other loadPackage methods.

      packageStream - - an inputStream representing the ODF package
      the OpenDocument document represented as an OdfPackage
      SAXException - if there's an XML- or validation-related error while loading the package
      IOException - if there's an I/O error while loading the package
    • loadPackage

      public static OdfPackage loadPackage(InputStream packageStream, Map<String,Object> configuration) throws Exception
      Creates an OdfPackage from the given InputStream.

      Since an InputStream does not provide the arbitrary (non sequential) read access needed by OdfPackage, the InputStream is cached. This usually takes more time compared to the other loadPackage methods.

      packageStream - - an inputStream representing the ODF package
      configuration - - key/value pairs of user given run-time settings (configuration) For instance, the maximum size of tables.
      the OpenDocument document represented as an OdfPackage
      Exception - - if the package could not be loaded
    • loadPackage

      public static OdfPackage loadPackage(InputStream packageStream, String baseURI, ErrorHandler errorHandler) throws SAXException, IOException
      Creates an OdfPackage from the given InputStream.

      OdfPackage relies on the file being available for read access over the whole life-cycle of OdfPackage.

      packageStream - - an inputStream representing the ODF package
      baseURI - allows to explicitly set the base URI from the document, As the URL can not be derived from a stream. In addition it is possible to set the baseURI to any arbitrary URI, e.g. an URN. One usage of the baseURI to describe the source of validation exception thrown by the ErrorHandler.
      errorHandler - - SAX ErrorHandler used for ODF validation
      SAXException - if there's an XML- or validation-related error while loading the package
      IOException - if there's an I/O error while loading the package
      See Also:
    • loadPackage

      public static OdfPackage loadPackage(File pkgFile, ErrorHandler errorHandler) throws SAXException, IOException
      Loads an OdfPackage from the given File.

      OdfPackage relies on the file being available for read access over the whole life-cycle of OdfPackage.

      pkgFile - - the ODF Package. A baseURL is being generated based on its location.
      errorHandler - - SAX ErrorHandler used for ODF validation.
      SAXException - if there's an XML- or validation-related error while loading the package
      IOException - if there's an I/O error while loading the package
      See Also:
    • getRunTimeConfiguration

      public Map<String,Object> getRunTimeConfiguration()
      Run-time configuration such as special logging or maximum table size to create operations from are stored in this map.
      key/value pairs of user given run-time settings (configuration)
    • loadPackage

      public static OdfPackage loadPackage(File pkgFile, String password) throws SAXException, IOException
      Loads an OdfPackage from the given File.

      OdfPackage relies on the file being available for read access over the whole life-cycle of OdfPackage.

      pkgFile - - the ODF Package. A baseURL is being generated based on its location.
      password - - the ODF Package password.
      SAXException - if there's an XML- or validation-related error while loading the package
      IOException - if there's an I/O error while loading the package
      See Also:
    • loadPackage

      public static OdfPackage loadPackage(File pkgFile, String password, ErrorHandler errorHandler) throws SAXException, IOException
      Loads an OdfPackage from the given File.

      OdfPackage relies on the file being available for read access over the whole life-cycle of OdfPackage.

      pkgFile - - the ODF Package. A baseURL is being generated based on its location.
      password - - the ODF Package password.
      errorHandler - - SAX ErrorHandler used for ODF validation.
      SAXException - if there's an XML- or validation-related error while loading the package
      IOException - if there's an I/O error while loading the package
      See Also:
    • getBaseURI

      public String getBaseURI()
      The URI to the ODF package, usually the URL, where this ODF package is located. If the package has not URI NULL is returned. This is the case if the package was new created without an URI and not saved before.
    • loadDocument

      public OdfPackageDocument loadDocument(String internalPath)
      Returns on ODF documents based a given mediatype.
      internalPath - path relative to the package root, where the document should be loaded.
      The ODF document, which mediatype depends on the parameter or NULL if media type were not supported.
    • getCachedDocument

      @Deprecated public OdfPackageDocument getCachedDocument(String internalPath)
      This method is only added temporary as workaround for the IBM fork using different DOC classes. Until the registering of DOC documents to the PKG layer has been finished.
      internalPath - path relative to the package root, where the document should be inserted.
      an already open OdfPackageDocument via its path, otherwise NULL.
    • removeDocument

      public void removeDocument(String internalPath)
      Removes a document from the package via its path. Independent if it was already opened or not.
      internalPath - path relative to the package root, where the document should be removed.
    • getRootDocument

      public OdfPackageDocument getRootDocument()
    • getManifestDom

      public OdfManifestDom getManifestDom()
    • getMediaTypeString

      public String getMediaTypeString(String internalPath)
      Get the media type of the ODF file or document (ie. a directory). A directory with a mediatype can be loaded as OdfPackageDocument. Note: A directoy is represented by in the package as directory with media type
      internalPath - within the package of the file or document.
      the mediaType for the resource of the given path
    • getMediaTypeString

      public String getMediaTypeString()
      Get the media type of the ODF package (equal to media type of ODF root document)
      the mediaType string of this ODF package
    • getFileEntry

      public OdfFileEntry getFileEntry(String internalPath)
      Get an OdfFileEntry for the internalPath NOTE: This method should be better moved to a DOM inherited Manifest class
      internalPath - The relative package path within the ODF package
      The manifest file entry will be returned.
    • getFilePaths

      public Set<String> getFilePaths()
      Get a OdfFileEntries from the manifest file (i.e. /META/manifest.xml")
      The paths of the manifest file entries will be returned.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(String internalPath)
      Check existence of a file in the package.
      internalPath - The relative package documentURL within the ODF package
      True if there is an entry and a file for the given documentURL
    • save

      public void save(String odfPath) throws SAXException, IOException
      Save the package to given documentURL.
      odfPath - - the path to the ODF package destination
      IOException - - if the package could not be saved
    • save

      public void save(File pkgFile) throws SAXException, IOException
      Save package to a given File. After saving it is still necessary to close the package to have again full access about the file.
      pkgFile - - the File to save the ODF package to
      IOException - - if the package could not be saved
    • save

      public void save(OutputStream odfStream) throws SAXException, IOException
      Saves the package to a given OutputStream. The given stream is not closed by this method.
      odfStream - the output stream
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs while saving the package
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(String password)
      Sets the password of this package. if password is not null, package will be encrypted when save.
      password - password
    • close

      public void close()
      Close the OdfPackage after it is no longer needed. Even after saving it is still necessary to close the package to have again full access about the file. Closing the OdfPackage will release all temporary created data. Do this as the last action to free resources. Closing an already closed document has no effect.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
    • insert

      public void insert(Document fileDOM, String internalPath, String mediaType)
      Insert DOM tree into OdfPackage. An existing file will be replaced.
      fileDOM - - XML DOM tree to be inserted as file.
      internalPath - - relative documentURL where the DOM tree should be inserted as XML file
      mediaType - - media type of stream. Set to null if unknown
      Exception - when the DOM tree could not be inserted
    • insertDocument

      public void insertDocument(OdfPackageDocument sourceDocument, String destinationPath)
      Embed an OdfPackageDocument to the current OdfPackage. All the file entries of child document will be inserted.
      sourceDocument - the OdfPackageDocument to be embedded.
      destinationPath - path to the directory the ODF document should be inserted (relative to ODF package root).
    • getDocumentPaths

      public Set<String> getDocumentPaths()
      Method returns the paths of all document within the package.
      A set of paths of all documents of the package, including the root document.
    • getDocumentPaths

      public Set<String> getDocumentPaths(String mediaTypeString)
      Method returns the paths of all document within the package matching the given criteria.
      mediaTypeString - limits the desired set of document paths to documents of the given mediaType
      A set of paths of all documents of the package, including the root document, that match the given parameter.
    • getDom

      Gets org.w3c.dom.Document for XML file contained in package.
      internalPath - to a file within the Odf Package (eg. content.xml)
      an org.w3c.dom.Document
    • insert

      public void insert(URI sourceURI, String internalPath, String mediaType) throws Exception
      Inserts an external file into an OdfPackage. An existing file will be replaced.
      sourceURI - - the source URI to the file to be inserted into the package.
      internalPath - - relative documentURL where the tree should be inserted as XML file
      mediaType - - media type of stream. Set to null if unknown
      Exception - In case the file could not be saved
    • insert

      public void insert(InputStream fileStream, String internalPath, String mediaType) throws IOException
      Inserts InputStream into an OdfPackage. An existing file will be replaced.
      fileStream - - the stream of the file to be inserted into the ODF package.
      internalPath - - relative documentURL where the tree should be inserted as XML file
      mediaType - - media type of stream. Set to null if unknown
    • insert

      public void insert(byte[] fileBytes, String internalPath, String mediaTypeString)
      Inserts a byte array into OdfPackage. An existing file will be replaced. If the byte array is NULL a directory with the given mimetype will be created.
      fileBytes - - data of the file stream to be stored in package. If NULL a directory with the given mimetype will be created.
      internalPath - - path of the file or directory relative to the package root.
      mediaTypeString - - media type of stream. If unknown null can be used.
    • getBytes

      public byte[] getBytes(String internalPath)
      Get package (sub-) content as byte array
      internalPath - relative documentURL to the package content
      the unzipped package content as byte array
    • getInputStream

      public InputStream getInputStream(String internalPath)
      Get the latest version of package content as InputStream, as it would be saved. This might not be the original version once loaded from the package.
      internalPath - of the desired stream.
      Inputstream of the ODF file within the package for the given path.
    • getInputStream

      public InputStream getInputStream(String internalPath, boolean useOriginal)
      Get the latest version of package content as InputStream, as it would be saved. This might not be the original version once loaded from the package.
      internalPath - of the desired stream.
      useOriginal - true uses the stream as loaded from the ZIP. False will return even modified file content as a stream.
      Inputstream of the ODF file within the package for the given path.
    • getInputStream

      public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException, SAXException
      Gets the InputStream containing whole OdfPackage.
      the ODF package as input stream
      IOException - - if the package could not be read
    • insertOutputStream

      public OutputStream insertOutputStream(String internalPath) throws Exception
      Insert the OutputStream for into OdfPackage. An existing file will be replaced.
      internalPath - - relative documentURL where the DOM tree should be inserted as XML file
      outputstream for the data of the file to be stored in package
      Exception - when the DOM tree could not be inserted
    • insertOutputStream

      public OutputStream insertOutputStream(String internalPath, String mediaType) throws IOException
      Insert the OutputStream - to be filled after method - when stream is closed into OdfPackage. An existing file will be replaced.
      internalPath - - relative documentURL where the DOM tree should be inserted as XML file
      mediaType - - media type of stream
      outputstream for the data of the file to be stored in package
      IOException - when the DOM tree could not be inserted
    • remove

      public void remove(String internalPath)
      Removes a single file from the package.
      internalPath - of the file relative to the package root
    • getSize

      public long getSize(String internalPath)
      Get the size of an internal file from the package.
      internalPath - of the file relative to the package root
      the size of the file in bytes or -1 if the size could not be received.
    • getEntityResolver

      public EntityResolver getEntityResolver()
      Get EntityResolver to be used in XML Parsers which can resolve content inside the OdfPackage
      a SAX EntityResolver
    • getURIResolver

      public URIResolver getURIResolver()
      Get URIResolver to be used in XSL Transformations which can resolve content inside the OdfPackage
      a TraX Resolver
    • isExternalReference

      public static boolean isExternalReference(String internalPath)
      Checks if the given reference is a reference, which points outside the ODF package
      internalPath - the file reference to be checked
      true if the reference is an package external reference
    • setErrorHandler

      public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler)
      Allow an application to register an error event handler.

      If the application does not register an error handler, all error events reported by the ODFDOM (e.g. the SAX Parser) will be silently ignored; however, normal processing may not continue. It is highly recommended that all ODF applications implement an error handler to avoid unexpected bugs.

      Applications may register a new or different handler in the middle of a parse, and the ODFDOM will begin using the new handler immediately.

      handler - The error handler.
      See Also:
    • getErrorHandler

      public ErrorHandler getErrorHandler()
      Return the current error handler used for ODF validation.
      The current error handler, or null if none has been registered and validation is disabled.
      See Also:
    • getNextMarkupId

      public String getNextMarkupId()
      counter for ids that are not allowed to be saved (otherwise it is not guaranteed that this id is unique)