Package schema2template.grammar

package schema2template.grammar
  • Class
    Gather information from one MSV expression like: which attributes are mandatory which child elements are singletons can it have text content
    Traversing through the MSV expression tree using See depth-first_search similar to reading the grammar in XML document order.
    Enum for the type of the MSV expression
    This visitor visits an Expression and returns a list of child expressions
    Get type of expression
    Returns the Name(s) of an Expression (or more precisely: of its Nameclass) in a List of Strings.
    Translation NS URI <-> NS Localname
    Model for ODF specific enhancements.
    ODF example class to print the MSV expressions in between a PuzzlePiece parent element and a direct PuzzlePiece child element.
    The first purpose of this interface is to provide a kind of "piece of a puzzle" representing the key definitions of a schema and their relationship: Element PuzzlePiece Attribute PuzzlePiece Attribute Value PuzzlePiece Attribute Datatype PuzzlePiece
    One of the following RelaxNG definitions of an Element, Attribute, Value or Datatype.
    Collection Class for RelaxNG definitions of an Element, Attribute, Value or Datatype.
    The most important model, the first access to the XML Schema information.