Uses of Package

Packages that use schema2template.grammar
  • Class
    Enum for the type of the MSV expression
    Translation NS URI <-> NS Localname
    The first purpose of this interface is to provide a kind of "piece of a puzzle" representing the key definitions of a schema and their relationship: Element PuzzlePiece Attribute PuzzlePiece Attribute Value PuzzlePiece Attribute Datatype PuzzlePiece
    One of the following RelaxNG definitions of an Element, Attribute, Value or Datatype.
    Collection Class for RelaxNG definitions of an Element, Attribute, Value or Datatype.
    The most important model, the first access to the XML Schema information.
  • Class
    The first purpose of this interface is to provide a kind of "piece of a puzzle" representing the key definitions of a schema and their relationship: Element PuzzlePiece Attribute PuzzlePiece Attribute Value PuzzlePiece Attribute Datatype PuzzlePiece
    One of the following RelaxNG definitions of an Element, Attribute, Value or Datatype.
    Collection Class for RelaxNG definitions of an Element, Attribute, Value or Datatype.
    The most important model, the first access to the XML Schema information.